
created_at2022-11-24 12:30:30.067233
updated_at2024-05-17 14:37:37.39428
descriptionEncode types to SCALE bytes given a desired target type
Pavlo Khrystenko (pkhry)




parity-scale-codec provides an Encode trait which allows types to SCALE encode themselves based on their shape. This crate builds on this, and allows types to encode themselves based on type information from a TypeResolver implementation (one such implementation being a scale_info::PortableRegistry). It exposes two traits:

  • An EncodeAsType trait which when implemented on some type, describes how it can be SCALE encoded with the help of a type ID and type registry describing the expected shape of the encoded bytes.
  • An EncodeAsFields trait which when implemented on some type, describes how it can be SCALE encoded with the help of an iterator over Fields and a type registry describing the expected shape of the encoded bytes. This is generally only implemented for tuples and structs, since we need a set of fields to map to the provided iterator.

Implementations for many built-in types are also provided for each trait, and the EncodeAsType macro makes it easy to generate implementations for new structs and enums.


By de-coupling the shape of a type from how it's encoded, we make it much more likely that encoding some type will succeed, and are no longer reliant on types having a precise layout in order to encode correctly. Some examples of this follow.

use codec::Encode;
use scale_encode::EncodeAsType;
use scale_info::{PortableRegistry, TypeInfo};

// We are commonly provided type information, but for our examples we construct type info from
// any type that implements `TypeInfo`.
fn get_type_info<T: TypeInfo + 'static>() -> (u32, PortableRegistry) {
    let m = scale_info::MetaType::new::<T>();
    let mut types = scale_info::Registry::new();
    let ty = types.register_type(&m);
    let portable_registry: PortableRegistry = types.into();
    (, portable_registry)

// Encode the left value via EncodeAsType into the shape of the right value.
// Encode the right value statically.
// Assert that both outputs are identical.
fn assert_encodes_to<A, B>(a: A, b: B)
    A: EncodeAsType,
    B: TypeInfo + Encode + 'static,
    let (type_id, types) = get_type_info::<B>();
    let a_bytes = a.encode_as_type(&type_id, &types).unwrap();
    let b_bytes = b.encode();
    assert_eq!(a_bytes, b_bytes);

// Start simple; a u8 can EncodeAsType into a u64 and vice versa. Numbers will all
// try to convert into the desired output size, failing if this isn't possible:
assert_encodes_to(123u8, 123u64);
assert_encodes_to(123u64, 123u8);

// Compact encoding is also handled "under the hood" by EncodeAsType, so no "compact"
// annotations are needed on values.
assert_encodes_to(123u64, codec::Compact(123u64));

// Enum variants are lined up by variant name, so no explicit "index" annotation are
// needed either; EncodeAsType will take care of it.
enum Foo {
#[derive(Encode, TypeInfo)]
enum FooTarget {
    #[codec(index = 10)]
assert_encodes_to(Foo::Something(123), FooTarget::Something(123));

// EncodeAstype will just ignore named fields that aren't needed:
struct Bar {
    a: bool,
    b: String,
#[derive(Encode, TypeInfo)]
struct BarTarget {
    a: bool,
    Bar { a: true, b: "hello".to_string() },
    BarTarget { a: true },

// EncodeAsType will attempt to remove any newtype wrappers and such on either
// side, so that they can be omitted without any issue.
#[derive(EncodeAsType, Encode, TypeInfo)]
struct Wrapper {
    value: u64
    (Wrapper { value: 123 },),
    (Wrapper { value: 123 },)

// Things like arrays and sequences are generally interchangeable despite the
// encoding format being slightly different:
assert_encodes_to([1u8,2,3,4,5], vec![1u64,2,3,4,5]);
assert_encodes_to(vec![1u64,2,3,4,5], [1u8,2,3,4,5]);

// BTreeMap, as a slightly special case, can encode to the same shape as either
// a sequence or a struct, depending on what's asked for:
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
#[derive(TypeInfo, Encode)]
struct MapOutput {
    a: u64,
    b: u64
    BTreeMap::from_iter([("a", 1u64), ("b", 2u64)]),
    BTreeMap::from_iter([("a", 1u64), ("b", 2u64), ("c", 3u64)]),
    MapOutput { a: 1, b: 2 }
Commit count: 63

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