| sensor-temp-humidity-sht40 | | sensor-temp-humidity-sht40 |
version | 0.2.601 |
source | src |
created_at | 2022-01-12 14:55:30.838258 |
updated_at | 2022-01-25 20:26:54.713452 |
description | Driver for SHT40 temperature and humidity sensor |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 512811 |
size | 66,125 |
This is a rust embedded-hal
driver for the Sensirion SHT40 temperature and relative-humidity sensor.
The driver is developed against the stable 0.2.6 version of embedded-hal. All releases from this branch are versioned 0.2.6xx with xx incrementing from one release to the next.
Please use the main
branch for hal-1.0.0 support.
"fp": enable this feature if your CPU or MCU has a floating-point unit and you want to be able to convert measured values to common units (degrees Celsius, degreed Fahrenheit for temperature and % for relative humidity):
cargo build --features fp --release
By default, instead of common units, the driver stores measurements in milli degrees Celsius or milli degrees Fahrenheit for temperature and in per cent mille (pcm) for relative humidity, doing conversions using fixed-point arithmetic.
A temperature of 23.89 degrees Celsius will be stored as 23890 and and a humidity of 56.2% will be stored as 56200.
With the fp feature, users of the API can directly convert back to common units using an utility function which takes a Measurement and returns an MeasurementFp. Unless you need this convenience, it is probably best not to enable "fp" and propagate values as integers until just before displaying them to an end-user.
Detailed API documentation here
Import this crate and an embedded_hal
implementation, then instantiate the
use linux_embedded_hal as hal;
use hal::{I2cdev, Delay};
use sensor_temp_humidity_sht40::{SHT40Driver, I2CAddr, Precision,
Measurement, TempUnit};
fn main() {
let i2c_dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
let mut sht40 = SHT40Driver::new(i2c_dev, I2CAddr::SHT4x_A, Delay);
if let Ok(measurement) =
sht40.get_temp_and_rh(Precision::High, TempUnit::MilliDegreesCelsius) {
println!("Temp: {temp} C, Relative Humidity: {rh} %",
temp = measurement.temp,
rh = measurement.rel_hum_pcm);
use esp_idf_sys;
use esp_idf_hal::delay;
use esp_idf_hal::i2c;
use esp_idf_hal::prelude::*;
use sensor_temp_humidity_sht40::{SHT40Driver, I2CAddr, Precision, TempUnit};
fn main() {
let peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let pins = peripherals.pins;
let i2c = peripherals.i2c0;
let scl = pins.gpio9;
let sda = pins.gpio8;
let i2c_config = <i2c::config::MasterConfig as Default>::default()
let mut sensor_drv = SHT40Driver::new(
i2c::Master::<i2c::I2C0, _, _>::new(i2c,
i2c::MasterPins { sda, scl },
let measurement = sensor_drv.get_temp_and_rh(Precision::High,
println!("Measurement {:#?}", measurement);
The crate is dually licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 or the BSD 3-clause license (you can choose under which of the two licenses you use the code).
If you want to contribute code to this project, you accept that any code you submit shall be dually licensed as above, with your copyright details added to the relevant source files.