
created_at2021-07-10 05:51:31.84159
updated_at2021-07-11 02:26:06.792874
descriptionView random anime fanart in your terminal




A command-line app using the Safebooru + Danbooru API to display anime fanart in your terminal.

Using the CLI app to show an anime girl in a terminal


Download show-waifu-1.0.1.tar.gz from releases and extract it using either a GUI or the command line.

If you're using the command line run

tar -xf show-waifu-1.0.1.tar.gz

Move the show-waifu executable into your bin

# If ~/bin doesn't exist, create it using the following
mkdir -p ~/bin
mv show-waifu ~/bin

Test it to see if it works, it should output an image in your terminal


To make show-waifu available everywhere on the command line, add ~/bin/ to $PATH and reload the Bash configuration

echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Test it again, this time without ~/bin/. If it works, you're all set to use it!



Using Rust's package manager, Cargo, all you have to do is run

cargo install show-waifu

If you're not a Rust programmer, install Rust to use Cargo

Safebooru vs Danbooru

Safebooru Danbooru
Safe for work Fairly safe Not really safe
  • Basic amount of options
  • Has no tag limit
  • Large variety of options
  • Has a tag limit depending on level
Image details
  • Link
  • Rating
  • Dimensions
  • Tags
  • Character
  • Source
  • Artist
  • Link
  • Rating
  • Dimensions
  • Tags

More details can be found below

Searching: Safebooru's cheatsheet | Danbooru's cheatsheet

Image ratings: Safebooru's image ratings | Danbooru's image ratings

Danbooru Authentication

For Anonymous and Member-level users, authentication provides no benefits.

Normally, using the dan subcommand limits searches to up to 2 tags. You can bypass this by authenticating with a Gold-level Danbooru account or above.

Gold and Platinum cost money, $20 and $40 respectively, but contributions to the community also award higher levels. See Danbooru help:users for more information.

You can authenticate by doing the following:

  • Go to your user profile and generate an API key by clicking the "Generate API key" button

  • Create 2 environmental variables named DANBOORU_USERNAME and DANBOORU_API_KEY, then add them to ~/.bashrc

    echo 'export DANBOORU_USERNAME="your-name-here"' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export DANBOORU_API_KEY="api-key-here"' >> ~/.bashrc
  • Add this snippet to ~/.bash_profile

    echo "if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc
     fi" >> ~/.bash_profile
  • Reload the Bash configuration

    source ~/.bash_profile
  • Check environmental variables for your API key and username. After that, make a search with more than 2 tags to verify its functional

    # Both environmental variables should pop-up
    # Search with more than 2 tags
    show-waifu dan --safe --tags="when_the_imposter_is_sus_(meme) jerma985 cat_boy cat_paws cat_ears chartags:1"


Grab a random image from the first page of Safebooru


Read from stdin and show an image

curl -s\?format\=jpg\&name\=large | show-waifu

Search for a specific image on Safebooru based on tags, and print details

show-waifu safe --details --tags="ncr_veteran_ranger night~"

Change a local file's height for viewing

show-waifu --height 10 file ~/Pictures/doge.jpg

Command line options

    show-waifu [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

        --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -h, --height <height>    Resize the image to a provided height
    -w, --width <width>      Resize the image to a provided width

    dan     Look at random images from Danbooru
    file    View an image from your file system
    help    Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    safe    Look at random images from Safebooru
    url     View an image from a url

dan (subcommand)

    show-waifu dan [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -d, --details         Show data related to image (artist, source, character, url, rating,
                          dimensions, tags)
    -e, --explicit        Only display images with explicit sexual content
    -h, --help            Prints help information
    -q, --questionable    Only display images with some nox-explicit nudity or sexual content
    -s, --safe            Only display images lacking sexual content. Includes lingerie, swimsuits,
                          innocent romance, etc. NOTE: this doesn't mean "safe for work."
    -V, --version         Prints version information

    -k, --key <key>              Pass your Danbooru API key for authentication. NOTE: This doesn't
                                 set a persistent environmental variable and instead only works for
                                 one session
    -t, --tags <tags>            Search for an image based on Danbooru tags. Pass as a string
                                 separated by spaces or commas. Look at Danbooru's cheatsheet for a
                                 full list of search options
    -u, --username <username>    Pass your Danbooru username for authentication. NOTE: This doesn't
                                 set a persistent environmental variable and instead only works for
                                 one session

safe (subcommand)

    show-waifu safe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -d, --details         Show data related to image (url, rating, dimensions, tags)
    -h, --help            Prints help information
    -q, --questionable    Only display images with suggestive content
    -V, --version         Prints version information

    -t, --tags <tags>    Search for an image based on Safebooru tags. Pass as a string separated by
                         spaces or commas. Look at Safebooru's cheatsheet for a full list of search
Commit count: 44

cargo fmt