| simple-ssr-rs | | simple-ssr-rs |
version | 0.2.2 |
source | src |
created_at | 2023-04-27 07:33:32.311225+00 |
updated_at | 2024-05-14 07:55:19.420556+00 |
description | A simple static web pages renderer on server-side |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 850113 |
size | 22,812 |
use std::collections::HashMap;
use simple_ssr_rs::{SSRender,ssr_work,Value};
use simple_ssr_rs::salvo::{self,prelude::*};
// Extend router
struct Hello(TeraBuilder);
impl Hello{
async fn handle(&self, req: &mut Request, _depot: &mut Depot, res: &mut Response){
//let mut ctx = Context::default();
// let ctx = self.0.gen_context(req);
// match{
// Ok((tera,ctx))=>{
// let r = tera.render("index.html", &ctx).unwrap_or("".to_owned());
// let _ = res.add_header("server", "xfinal", true);
// res.render(Text::Html(r));
// }
// Err(_)=>{
// res.render(Text::Plain("Error"));
// }
// }
async fn handle404(&self, _req: &Request, _depot: &Depot, res: &mut Response, ctrl: &mut FlowCtrl) {
if let Some(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) = res.status_code {
res.render("Custom 404 Error Page");
fn main() {
let mut ssr = SSRender::new("");
ssr.set_pub_dir_name("assets"); // specify the name of the public assets directory in the current root directory
ssr.set_tmpl_dir_name("pages"); // specify the name of the template directory in the current root directory
// ssr.set_meta_info_collector(|req:&Request|->HashMap<String, Value>{}); // get meta data from the current request for the tempalte
ssr.register_function("println".to_owned(), |v:&HashMap<String, Value>|{ // register a function that can be used in template files
let r = v.get("value").ok_or("none")?.as_str().ok_or("none")?;
ssr.set_ctx_generator(|_req:&Request|->HashMap<String, Value>{ // collect infomation from the current request, these objects can be used in the templates
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("info".to_owned(), Value::Bool(true));
// ssr.set_hook_view_path(Some(|req,path|{ path})); // modify the path before rendering it by view-engine
//let router = Router::with_path("base"); // root path
//let router = router.push(Router::with_path("hello").get(Hello(ssr.gen_tera_builder())));
// ssr_work!(ssr,router);
// ssr_work!(ssr,None,Catcher::default().hoop(handle404));
// ssr_work!(ssr,router,Catcher::default().hoop(handle404));
<div>{{}}</div> we can access the variable in the parent scope by using any), and so forth,
<!-- the common directory is in the root path `pages`, the following content is in the index.html -->
{{ include_file(path="common/abc.html"), context=`{"title":"abc"}` | safe }}
Then we can access the website on the browser: http://localhost:8080/ or http://localhost:8080/index.html. Access the static resource on browser: http://localhost:8080/assets/filename
More details about how to use the template engine can be seen on the home page of Tera.