
created_at2022-11-03 09:30:38.895427
updated_at2024-01-10 06:42:38.83377
descriptionDead simple file data manipulation.




Crate Documentation

This library is designed to be a dead-simple way of reading and writing your rust values to and from disk.


singlefile provides a generic Container type, along with type alias variants for different use cases. Container is named so to indicate that it contains and manages a file and a value.

// A readable, writable container
use singlefile::container::ContainerWritable;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
struct MyData {
  magic_number: i32

// Attempts to open 'my_data.json', creating it from default if it does not exist,
// expecting data that the `Json` format can decode into `MyData`
let mut my_container = ContainerWritable::<MyData, Json>::create_or_default("my_data.json", Json)?;
// For regular `Container`s, `Deref` and `DerefMut` can be used to access the contained type
println!("magic_number: {}", my_container.magic_number); // 0 (as long as the file didn't exist before)
my_container.magic_number += 1;
// Write the new state of `MyData` to disk

We'd then expect the resulting my_data.json to look like:

  "magic_number": 1

Shared and async containers

singlefile also provides a ContainerShared type that can be used from multiple threads, as well as a ContainerSharedAsync that can be used from multiple threads and spawns its operations asynchronously. Currently, ContainerSharedAsync can only be guaranteed to work alongside Tokio.

The shared container types can be enabled with the shared cargo feature. The async container types can be enabled with the shared-async cargo feature.

// A readable, writable container with multiple-ownership
use singlefile::container_shared::ContainerSharedWritable;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
struct MyData {
  magic_number: i32

// `ContainerShared` types may be cloned cheaply, they behave like `Arc`s
let my_container = ContainerSharedWritable::<MyData, Json>::create_or_default("my_data.json", Json)?;

// Get access to the contained `MyData`, increment it, and commit changes to disk
std::thread::spawn(move || {
  my_container.operate_mut_commit(|my_data| {
    my_data.magic_number += 1;
    Ok::<(), Infallible>(())

File formats

singlefile is serialization framework-agnostic, so you will need a FileFormat adapter before you are able to read and write a given file format to disk.

Here is how you'd write a Json adapter for the above examples, using serde.

use serde::ser::Serialize;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use singlefile::FileFormat;
use std::io::{Read, Write};

struct Json;

impl<T> FileFormat<T> for Json
where T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned {
  type FormatError = serde_json::Error;

  fn to_writer<W: Write>(&self, writer: W, value: &T) -> Result<(), Self::FormatError> {
    serde_json::to_writer_pretty(writer, value).map_err(From::from)

  fn from_reader<R: Read>(&self, reader: R) -> Result<T, Self::FormatError> {

Alternatively, you can use one of the preset file formats provided by singlefile-formats.


By default, only the tokio-parking-lot feature is enabled.

  • shared: Enables ContainerShared, pulling in parking_lot.
  • shared-async: Enables ContainerSharedAsync, pulling in tokio and (by default) parking_lot.
  • deadlock-detection: Enables parking_lot's deadlock_detection feature, if it is present.
  • tokio-parking-lot: Enables parking_lot for use in tokio, if it is present. Enabled by default.
Commit count: 38

cargo fmt