
created_at2023-05-21 18:41:37.865228
updated_at2023-07-08 12:05:32.359232
descriptionSpecial Numeral-Analogue Fuel Units
Markus Mayer (sunsided)



Special Numeral-Analogue Fuel Units

A Rust crate and utility to deal with conversions of SNAFU values from Advent of Code 2022, Day 25 (here). The file contains the full puzzle in case the website is unavailable.

Example conversions from SNAFU:

use snafu_numbers::FromSnafu;
assert_eq!(u32::from_snafu("1=-0-2"), 1747);
assert_eq!(u32::from_snafu("20012"), 1257);
assert_eq!(u32::from_snafu("1="), 3);

... and into SNAFU:

use snafu_numbers::IntoSnafu;
assert_eq!(1747_u32.into_snafu(), "1=-0-2");

SNAFU numbers

SNAFU numbers are a power-of-5 centric base-10 system written right to left. The zero-th (i.e., right-most) place represents a multiple of 50 = 0, the first represents a multiple 51 = 5, the second place 52 = 25, the third place 53 = 625, etc.

Five different digits are used. Here is a list alongside their decimal integer representation:

SNAFU digit Name Decimal /
2 two 2
1 one 1
0 zero 0
- minus -1
= double-minus -2

As a result, the individual values in each position n is 2×5n-1, so

Position Base = - 0 1 2
0 50 = 1 -2 1 0 1 2
1 51 = 5 -10 -5 0 5 10
2 52 = 25 -50 -25 0 25 50
3 53 = 125 -250 -125 0 125 250
4 54 = 625 -1250 -625 0 625 1250
5 55 = 3125 -6250 -3125 0 3125 6250


To quote the rules:

Say you have the SNAFU number 2=-01. That's 2 in the 625s place, = (double-minus) in the 125s place, - (minus) in the 25s place, 0 in the 5s place, and 1 in the 1s place. (2 times 625) plus (-2 times 125) plus (-1 times 25) plus (0 times 5) plus (1 times 1). That's 1250 plus -250 plus -25 plus 0 plus 1. 976!"

Example conversion from decimal to SNAFU

Decimal SNAFU
1 1
2 2
3 1=
4 1-
5 10
6 11
7 12
8 2=
9 2-
10 20
15 1=0
20 1-0
2022 1=11-2
12345 1-0---0
314159265 1121-1110-1=0

Example conversion from SNAFU to decimal

SNAFU Decimal
1=-0-2 1747
12111 906
2=0= 198
21 11
2=01 201
111 31
20012 1257
112 32
1=-1= 353
1-12 107
12 7
1= 3
122 37
Commit count: 18

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