
created_at2023-02-17 17:32:33.078559
updated_at2024-06-14 12:09:03.157246
descriptionConverts Specr lang code to Rust
Ralf Jung (RalfJung)




specr-transpile converts specr lang code to Rust code. Run it with cargo r <config-file>.

config file

The config file is a newline-separated list of statements.

Each statement is either

  • input <path>: where to look for the input .md files.
  • output <path>: where to generate the output crate.
  • attr <attribute>: give additional rust crate attributes, like attr #![feature(never_type)]

Current transformations

Enum Indirection

If you have an enum with infinite size due to type recursion, you might want to add an indirection as follows:

enum List<T> {
    Cons {
        val: T,
        next: List<T>,

This will wrap next behing a pointer.


  1. You should not match against references of enums, if you want to use the field with #[specr::indirection]. When matching against &List<T> (or &mut List<T>) you will see that you still obtain next of type List<T> and not &List<T> (or &mut List<T>) as would be correct in Rust. Hence code like this will not work:
match &mut l {
    List::Cons { val, next } => {
        *next = Nil;
    _ => {},

Similarly using ref or ref mut are not supported for fields behind an #[specr::indirection].

  1. Specr does not resolve names first, so there could be naming collisions between variants of different enums and structs. In the future we intend to warn if such an ambiguity is found.

Garbage collection and Copy

All types provided by specr like List, Set, Map, BigInt are Copy, as they only contain an index into a garbage-collected data structure. Further, the enum indirection discussed before applies an indirection by using the same garbage collected index.

Hence user-defined types can implement Copy too, they should hence not using non-Copy types from the standard library. This #[derive(Copy, Clone)] is added by specr automatically.

Note that each mutation of a List, Set, or Map currently requires a full clone of that datastructure. So for example one should use collect() over push() whenever possible.

TODO: explain how to use the mark_and_sweep function.


methods can match over an argument like so:

impl Foo {
    fn foo(&self, x: Option<i32>) -> i32;

impl Foo {
    fn foo(&self, Some(a): Option<i32>) -> i32 { a }
    fn foo(&self, None: Option<i32>) -> i32 { 0 }

Argmatch can also be applied to self.

Merge Trait Impls

Whenever a trait implementation is cut into multiple pieces, specr-transpile will merge them back together.


trait Foo {
    fn foo1(&self);
    fn foo2(&self);

impl Foo for () {
    fn foo1(&self) { ... }

impl Foo for () { // invalid in Rust!
    fn foo2(&self) { ... }


trait Foo {
    fn foo1(&self);
    fn foo2(&self);

impl Foo for () {
    fn foo1(&self) { ... }
    fn foo2(&self) { ... }

Module structure and .md files

specr searches for folders containing markdown files, specr will look in the directory specified by input in the config file. Each folder will result in one Rust module. This happens by filtering out the rust code of each .md file and concatenating them together.

Commit count: 540

cargo fmt