| ssvm_process_interface | | ssvm_process_interface |
version | 0.1.4 |
source | src |
created_at | 2020-10-19 07:44:13.303575+00 |
updated_at | 2021-05-19 07:37:50.064359+00 |
description | A Rust library that provides Rust to WebAssembly developers with syntax for running commands functionality |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 302828 |
size | 27,028 |
This library has been renamed and moved to wasmedge_process_interface
. Please follow the resulting new wasmedge_process_interface crate for further development. No further development will take place in this repository.
A Rust library that provides Rust to WebAssembly developers with syntax for running commands functionality when their Wasm is being executed on SecondState's SSVM.
From a high-level overview here, we are essentially building a process interface that will allow the native operating system (which SSVM is running on) to play a part in the runtime execution. Specifically, play a part in executing commands with arguments and environment values as part of Wasm execution.
Developers will add the ssvm_process_interface
crate as a dependency to their Rust -> Wasm
applications. For example, add the following line to the application's Cargo.toml
ssvm_process_interface = "^0.1.3"
Developers will bring the Command
modules of ssvm_process_interface
into scope within their Rust -> Wasm
application's code. For example, adding the following code to the top of their
use ssvm_process_interface::Command;
Developers can then use syntax, such as the following, to execute commands such as using std::process::Command
. After compilation, the output target Wasm file will contain imports of host functions about running external commands.
let mut cmd = Command::new("ls");
let mut cmd = Command::new("ls");
Or the following:
let cmd = Command::new("ls").arg("-al");
Or the following:
let cmd = Command::new("ls").arg("-alF").arg("..");
Or the following:
let cmd = Command::new("ls").args(&["-alF", ".."]);
let mut cmd = Command::new("printenv").arg("ONE").env("ONE", "1");
Or the following:
use std::collections::HashMap;
let mut cmd = Command::new("rusttest");
let mut hash: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
hash.insert(String::from("ENV1"), String::from("VALUE1"));
hash.insert(String::from("ENV2"), String::from("VALUE2"));
let mut cmd = Command::new("printenv").arg("ENV1").envs(hash);
let mut cmd = Command::new("python3").stdin("print(\"HELLO PYTHON\")");
Or the following:
// Consider about the `\n` charactor in stdin strings.
let mut cmd = Command::new("python3").stdin("import time\n").stdin("print(time.time())");
// Timeout values are in milliseconds.
let mut cmd = Command::new("python3")
.stdin("from time import sleep\n")
.stdin("print('PYTHON start sleep 2s', flush=True)\n")
.stdin("print('PYTHON end sleep 2s', flush=True)\n")
Please remember to check for the return status of the child process.
let out = Command::new("python3")
.stdin("from time import sleep\n")
.stdin("import sys\n")
.stdin("print('stdout: PYTHON start sleep 2s', flush=True)\n")
.stdin("print('stderr: PYTHON start sleep 2s', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)\n")
.stdin("print('stdout: PYTHON end sleep 2s', flush=True)\n")
.stdin("print('stderr: PYTHON end sleep 2s', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)\n")
println!(" return code : {}", out.status);
println!(" stdout :");
print!("{}", str::from_utf8(&out.stdout).expect("GET STDOUT ERR"));
println!(" stderr :");
print!("{}", str::from_utf8(&out.stderr).expect("GET STDERR ERR"));
The official crate is available at