
created_at2020-11-11 16:42:21.715834
updated_at2021-03-10 16:58:03.075477
descriptionFast realization of suffix array and suffix tree



Suffix Collections

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Fast realization of suffix array and suffix tree for substring search, longest common prefix array (lcp array).


The current implementation builds suffix structures using bytes and does not decode the string before or during construction in Unicode. But if Unicode string is normalized before construction and search, then structures support Unicode (because all byte sequences are decoded unambiguously). Also search and lcp returns indexes as in byte array but not in Unicode decoded string.


  • SuffixTree
 use suff_collections::{array::*, tree::*, lcp::*};

 let word: &str = "Some word";
 let find: &str = "word";

 // construct suffix tree
 let st: SuffixTree = SuffixTree::new(word);

 // finds the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
 let res: Option<usize> = st.find(find);

 // construct lcp
 // lcp[i] = max_pref(sa[i], sa[i - 1]) && lcp.len() == sa.len()
 // let lcp: LCP<u8> = st.lcp::<u8>();
 // let lcp: LCP<u16> = st.lcp::<u16>();
 // let lcp: LCP<u32> = st.lcp::<u32>();
 let lcp: LCP<usize> = st.lcp::<usize>();

 // convert suffix tree to suffix array
 // let sa = SuffixArray::<u8>::from(st);
 // let sa = SuffixArray::<u16>::from(st);
 // let sa = SuffixArray::<u32>::from(st);
 let sa = SuffixArray::<usize>::from(st);

 // construct online suffix tree
 let mut ost: OnlineSuffixTree = OnlineSuffixTree::new();

 // add word to online suffix tree

 // finds the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
 let res: Option<usize> = ost.find(find);

 // convert online suffix tree to suffix tree
 let st: SuffixTree = ost.finish();

 let graph = SuffixTree::new("mississippi").to_graphviz(&mut buff);
 println!("{}", &graph);

SuffixTree for the word "mississippi"

  • SuffixArray
 use suff_collections::{array::*, tree::*, lcp::*};

 // let word = "Some word";
 let word: &str = "Some word\0";
 let find: &str = "word";

 // construct suffix array
 // let sa = SuffixArray::<usize>::new_stack(word);
 // let sa = SuffixArray::<u8>::new(word);
 // let sa = SuffixArray::<u16>::new(word);
 // let sa = SuffixArray::<u32>::new(word);
 let sa = SuffixArray::<usize>::new(word);

 // construct lcp
 // lcp[i] = max_pref(sa[i], sa[i - 1]) && lcp.len() == sa.len()
 let lcp: LCP<usize> = sa.lcp();

 // finds the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
 // O(|find| * log(|word|))
 let res: Option<usize> = sa.find(find);

 // finds all the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
 // O(|find| * log(|word|))
 let res_all: &[usize] = sa.find_all(find);

 // finds the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
 // O(|word|)
 let res: Option<usize> = sa.find_big(&sa.lcp(), find);

 // finds all the entry position of the line 'find' in 'word'
 // O(|word|)
 let res_all: &[usize] = sa.find_all_big(&sa.lcp(), find);

 // convert suffix array to suffix tree
 let st = SuffixTree::from(sa);

 let word = "mississippi";
 let sa = SuffixArray::<u32>::new(word);
 let lcp = sa.lcp();
 println!("LCP    index    suffixe's");
 sa.iter().zip(lcp.iter()).for_each(|(&sa, &lcp)| {
           let suff = std::str::from_utf8(&word.as_bytes()[sa as usize..]).unwrap();
           println!("{}    {}    {}", lcp, sa, suff);

SuffixArray and lcp for the word "mississippi"

LCP    index    suffixe's
0      11
0      10       i
1      7        ippi
1      4        issippi
4      1        ississippi
0      0        mississippi
0      9        pi
1      8        ppi
0      6        sippi
2      3        sissippi
1      5        ssippi
3      2        ssissippi

All construction and search work for O(n). For the suffix tree implementation the Ukkonen algorithm is taken and for the suffix array implementation the SA-IS algorithm is taken.

Commit count: 63

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