
created_at2021-10-26 08:45:05.083521
updated_at2023-04-07 22:46:44.989622
descriptionsurge synthesizer -- vocoder effect




The surgefx-vocoder crate provides a vocoder effect for the Surge synthesizer system.

The vocoder effect is a type of audio processing that uses a bank of bandpass filters and an envelope follower to analyze the spectral characteristics of a modulator signal (such as a voice) and apply those characteristics to a carrier signal (such as a synthesizer). The result is a "talking synthesizer" effect that can be used to create a wide range of robotic, sci-fi, or otherworldly sounds.

The vocoder effect implemented in surgefx-vocoder is based on a bank of bandpass filters and an envelope follower, which are used to analyze the spectral characteristics of the modulator signal. The resulting spectral envelope is then used to modulate the amplitude of the carrier signal, creating the characteristic "talking synthesizer" effect. The implementation includes support for adjusting the frequency range of the bandpass filters, as well as the gain of the effect.

Mathematically, the vocoder effect can be thought of as a type of filtering and modulation. The bandpass filters used in the vocoder can be modeled as a set of transfer functions that selectively attenuate or pass certain frequency components of the modulator signal. The envelope follower can be thought of as a detector that tracks the amplitude of the modulator signal over time. The resulting spectral envelope can be used to modulate the amplitude of the carrier signal, creating the characteristic "talking synthesizer" effect.

The surgefx-vocoder crate includes several tokens for controlling the behavior of the vocoder effect. These include control_group, control_type, default_value, max_value, min_value, modulateable, moverate, and value_type, which are used to define the behavior of the effect's control parameters. The crate also includes tokens for setting the default high and low frequency range of the bandpass filters (vocoder_default_freq_high and vocoder_default_freq_low, respectively), as well as tokens for handling streaming mismatches and updating the effect's state (handle_streaming_mismatches and update, respectively).

The surgefx-vocoder crate includes a Vocoder struct that encapsulates the state of the vocoder effect, as well as a VocoderBlockCfg struct that defines the configuration of the vocoder processing block. The do_vocoder_block function is used to apply the vocoder effect to a block of audio samples, and the gain and set_gain functions are used to adjust the gain of the effect.

Overall, the surgefx-vocoder crate provides a powerful and versatile vocoder effect that can be used to create a wide range of unique and expressive sounds.

37> what does a vocoder block diagram look like?

A vocoder block diagram typically consists of several processing stages that work together to analyze and synthesize the modulator and carrier signals. Here is a high-level block diagram of a typical vocoder:

  | Modulator   |
  |             |
     |  |  |
     |  |  +-------------------------+
     |  |                            |
     |  |  +-------------------+    |
  +--v--+--v--+--+---+    +-----v----v--+
  | Bandpass    |      |    | Envelope  |
  | Filters     |      |    | Follower  |
  +-------------+      |    +-----------+
  +-------------+      |
  | Carrier     |      |
  |             +------+

In this diagram, the modulator signal (typically a voice or other audio input) is first passed through a bank of bandpass filters that are tuned to different frequency bands. Each bandpass filter selects a particular frequency range of the modulator signal and attenuates all other frequencies. The resulting filtered signals are then rectified and smoothed using an envelope follower, which tracks the amplitude of each frequency band over time.

The resulting set of envelopes (one for each frequency band) are then used to modulate the amplitude of a carrier signal (typically a synthesizer or other sound source). The carrier signal is usually passed through a bank of bandpass filters that are tuned to the same frequency bands as the modulator filters. The amplitude of each band of the carrier signal is then multiplied by the corresponding envelope from the modulator signal, resulting in a set of amplitude-modulated carrier signals.

Finally, the amplitude-modulated carrier signals are summed together to produce the output signal. The result is a sound that is shaped by the spectral characteristics of the modulator signal, creating the characteristic "talking synthesizer" effect.

It's worth noting that the specific implementation of a vocoder can vary depending on the particular application and desired sound. Some vocoders may include additional processing stages, such as harmonic scaling or formant shifting, to further shape the output sound.

38> how does an envelope follower work?

An envelope follower is a signal processing block that is commonly used in audio applications to track the amplitude or "envelope" of an input signal over time. In the context of a vocoder, an envelope follower is typically used to extract the amplitude envelope of the modulator signal for use in modulating the carrier signal.

The basic operation of an envelope follower can be described using the following steps:

  1. Rectification: The input signal is first passed through a rectifier circuit that removes any negative values from the signal. This is typically done using a diode or similar component.

  2. Smoothing: The rectified signal is then passed through a smoothing filter that removes any high-frequency variations in the signal. This filter can be a low-pass filter or a simple smoothing function such as an exponential moving average.

  3. Scaling: The smoothed signal is then scaled to match the desired amplitude range. This scaling is typically done using a gain control or similar component.

The resulting signal is an estimate of the envelope of the input signal, which tracks the overall amplitude of the signal over time. The envelope follower can then be used to modulate the amplitude of another signal, such as a carrier signal in a vocoder.

Mathematically, the operation of an envelope follower can be described using the following equation:

e[n] = g * (alpha * e[n-1] + (1 - alpha) * abs(x[n]))

where x[n] is the input signal, e[n] is the output envelope signal, g is a scaling factor, and alpha is a smoothing parameter. The abs() function is used to rectify the input signal, and the smoothing filter is implemented as a first-order recursive filter with a time constant determined by the alpha parameter. The output signal is then scaled by the gain factor g.

Overall, the envelope follower is an important component of many audio processing applications, including vocoders, compressors, and filters. It provides a way to extract the amplitude envelope of an input signal, which can be used to modulate the amplitude of other signals in interesting and expressive ways.

39> how do we get the vocoder to "talk"?

To make a vocoder "talk", you need to provide it with a modulator signal that contains speech or other vocal sounds. The modulator signal is typically a microphone input or a pre-recorded audio file that contains speech or other vocal sounds.

Once you have a modulator signal, you can use the vocoder to analyze the spectral characteristics of the signal and apply those characteristics to a carrier signal, such as a synthesizer or other sound source. The result is a "talking synthesizer" effect that sounds like the carrier signal is "talking" in the same way as the modulator signal.

To achieve the best possible "talking" effect with a vocoder, it's important to carefully match the frequency range of the modulator signal to the frequency range of the carrier signal. This is typically done by adjusting the frequency range of the bandpass filters in the vocoder to match the spectral characteristics of the modulator signal. For example, if the modulator signal contains a lot of high-frequency content, you may need to adjust the high-frequency cutoff of the bandpass filters to ensure that the carrier signal is modulated appropriately.

It's also important to experiment with different settings for the envelope follower and gain control in the vocoder to achieve the desired "talking" effect. In general, you want to use a fast attack time and a slow release time for the envelope follower, to ensure that the envelope tracks the fast changes in the modulator signal while maintaining a smooth and natural-sounding output. The gain control can be used to adjust the overall level of the carrier signal, and to adjust the balance between the modulator and carrier signals.

Overall, achieving a good "talking" effect with a vocoder requires careful attention to the frequency range, envelope follower settings, and gain control settings. With the right settings, however, a vocoder can be a powerful tool for creating unique and expressive vocal effects.

40> what is a spectral envelope?

A spectral envelope is a mathematical representation of the overall shape of the frequency spectrum of a signal. It is commonly used in audio processing applications to analyze and manipulate the spectral characteristics of a sound.

To understand spectral envelopes, it's helpful to first understand the basic idea of a frequency spectrum. A frequency spectrum is a plot that shows the amplitude of the different frequency components of a signal. The spectrum can be obtained using a Fourier transform, which converts a time-domain signal into a frequency-domain representation.

The spectral envelope is a way of summarizing the frequency spectrum in a more compact and useful way. It does this by identifying the "peaks" and "valleys" in the spectrum and representing them as a series of "formants" or frequency bands. These frequency bands are typically logarithmically spaced and may be of different widths.

The spectral envelope can be used to modify the spectral characteristics of a signal, for example by selectively boosting or attenuating different frequency bands. In a vocoder, the spectral envelope of the modulator signal is used to modulate the amplitude of the carrier signal, resulting in a "talking synthesizer" effect.

Overall, the spectral envelope is an important concept in audio processing and provides a way to analyze and manipulate the spectral characteristics of a sound in a compact and useful way.

41> how do we connect a vocoder to a microphone, so that we can sing into the microphone and then play the keyboard to modulate the sound?

To connect a microphone to a vocoder, you will need to use an audio interface or mixer that has both a microphone input and a line-level output. The microphone input will typically be an XLR or TRS jack, and the line-level output will typically be a 1/4" jack or a set of RCA jacks.

Here is a general outline of the steps involved in connecting a microphone to a vocoder:

  1. Connect the microphone to the microphone input of your audio interface or mixer. This will typically require an XLR or TRS cable, depending on the type of microphone.

  2. Connect the line-level output of your audio interface or mixer to the input of the vocoder. This will typically require a 1/4" jack or a set of RCA jacks, depending on the input of the vocoder.

  3. Connect the output of the vocoder to your amplifier or speakers. This will typically require a 1/4" jack or a set of RCA jacks, depending on the output of the vocoder.

Once you have connected the microphone to the vocoder, you can start singing into the microphone to modulate the sound of the carrier signal. To play the keyboard to modulate the sound, you will need to connect the output of the keyboard to the input of the vocoder. This can be done using a 1/4" jack or a set of RCA jacks, depending on the output of the keyboard and the input of the vocoder.

Overall, connecting a microphone to a vocoder is a relatively simple process that can be done using an audio interface or mixer. With the right connections in place, you can start experimenting with different modulator and carrier signals to create unique and expressive vocal effects.

42> interesting -- what else should we know about vocoders? what is their history?

Vocoders have a rich history in both music and communication technology. The first vocoder was invented in the early 1930s by Homer Dudley at Bell Labs, and was originally designed as a tool for encoding speech signals for transmission over telephone lines. The vocoder was used extensively during World War II for secure military communication, and became an important tool for speech analysis and synthesis in the following decades.

In the 1960s, musicians began to experiment with vocoders as a creative tool for making music. The first commercially available vocoder for music was the EMS Vocoder 5000, which was released in 1976 and quickly became popular with artists such as Kraftwerk and Pink Floyd. The vocoder was also used extensively in electronic and hip-hop music throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and has remained a popular tool for music production to this day.

In recent years, advances in digital signal processing have made it possible to implement vocoders on a wide range of platforms, from hardware synthesizers to software plugins for digital audio workstations. Today, the vocoder remains an important tool for creative expression in music, as well as a powerful tool for speech analysis and synthesis in fields such as telecommunications and speech therapy.

Overall, the vocoder has a rich and diverse history, and has played an important role in both music and communication technology over the past century. Its continued popularity and versatility are a testament to the power and flexibility of this unique signal processing technique.

43> anything else we should know about their effective usage?

Here are a few tips for using a vocoder effectively:

  1. Match the frequency ranges of the modulator and carrier signals: To achieve the best possible "talking" effect with a vocoder, it's important to carefully match the frequency range of the modulator signal (typically a vocal recording) to the frequency range of the carrier signal (typically a synthesizer or other sound source). This can be done by adjusting the frequency range of the bandpass filters in the vocoder to match the spectral characteristics of the modulator signal.

  2. Experiment with different envelope follower settings: The envelope follower is an important component of the vocoder, as it tracks the amplitude of the modulator signal and uses it to modulate the amplitude of the carrier signal. Different envelope follower settings can produce different "talking" effects, so it's important to experiment with different attack and release times to find the right settings for your application.

  3. Use a high-quality microphone: The quality of the microphone you use to capture the modulator signal can have a big impact on the quality of the resulting "talking" effect. A high-quality condenser microphone can help capture the nuances of the human voice more accurately, resulting in a more convincing and expressive effect.

  4. Adjust the gain control to balance the modulator and carrier signals: The gain control in the vocoder can be used to adjust the overall level of the carrier signal, as well as the balance between the modulator and carrier signals. This can be used to achieve a more natural-sounding "talking" effect, and to ensure that the carrier signal is audible above the modulator signal.

Overall, using a vocoder effectively requires careful attention to the spectral characteristics of the modulator and carrier signals, as well as the settings of the envelope follower and gain control. With the right settings and techniques, however, a vocoder can be a powerful tool for creating unique and expressive vocal effects.

44> any caveats?

Here are a few caveats to keep in mind when using a vocoder:

  1. Avoid excessive bandpass filtering: While bandpass filtering is an essential part of the vocoder process, excessive filtering can result in a "thin" or "artificial" sound. To avoid this, it's important to carefully adjust the frequency range and bandwidth of each bandpass filter to preserve the natural characteristics of the modulator signal.

  2. Watch out for "pumping" effects: The envelope follower in the vocoder can sometimes produce a "pumping" effect, where the amplitude of the carrier signal is rapidly modulated up and down in response to changes in the modulator signal. This effect can be minimized by adjusting the attack and release times of the envelope follower, as well as the gain control.

  3. Use in moderation: While the vocoder can be a powerful tool for creating unique and expressive vocal effects, it's important to use it in moderation and in appropriate musical contexts. Overusing the vocoder can result in a "gimmicky" or "dated" sound, so it's important to use it thoughtfully and creatively.

  4. Be mindful of copyright issues: The use of a vocoder to manipulate copyrighted vocal recordings or samples can be a legal gray area, so it's important to be mindful of copyright laws and licensing requirements when using a vocoder in your music production.

Overall, the vocoder is a powerful and versatile tool for creating unique and expressive vocal effects, but it should be used thoughtfully and with care to avoid unwanted artifacts or legal issues.

45> what are 12 techniques from production-quality electronic music production which leverage vocoders?

Here are 12 techniques from festival-quality electronic music production that leverage vocoders:

  1. Vocal Harmonies: A vocoder can be used to create vocal harmonies by modulating a synthesizer or other sound source with a vocal recording.

  2. Robot Voices: The distinctive "robotic" sound of a vocoder can be used to create a range of futuristic, sci-fi inspired voice effects.

  3. Layered Chords: A vocoder can be used to create layered chord progressions by modulating a chordal synthesizer patch with a vocal recording.

  4. Drum Synthesis: A vocoder can be used to synthesize drum sounds by modulating a percussive sound source with a vocal recording.

  5. Vocal FX: A vocoder can be used to create a range of vocal effects, including filtering, distortion, and modulation.

  6. Instrument FX: A vocoder can be used to create a range of instrument effects, including filtering, distortion, and modulation.

  7. Sound Design: A vocoder can be used as a sound design tool to create unique and complex timbres by modulating different sound sources with a vocal recording.

  8. Lead Synths: A vocoder can be used to create lead synth sounds by modulating a melodic sound source with a vocal recording.

  9. Texture Creation: A vocoder can be used to create complex, evolving textures by modulating multiple sound sources with a vocal recording.

  10. Bass Synths: A vocoder can be used to create bass synth sounds by modulating a low-frequency sound source with a vocal recording.

  11. Glitch Effects: A vocoder can be used to create glitch effects by modulating different sound sources with short, staccato vocal recordings.

  12. Vocal Sampling: A vocoder can be used to sample and manipulate vocal recordings in real-time, creating unique and expressive vocal performances.

Overall, the vocoder is a versatile and powerful tool for electronic music production, and can be used in a wide range of creative applications. By experimenting with different modulator and carrier signals, as well as different envelope follower settings and gain controls, producers can create unique and expressive vocal effects that are sure to stand out in any mix.

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