
created_at2017-02-08 22:26:31.304245+00
updated_at2017-08-02 14:52:22.704919+00
descriptionA playable tak board. Supports play between any combination of humans and AIs, and can act as a PlayTak.com client.
Chris Foster (cdbfoster)




Takkerus implements a playable Tak board. It supports play between any combination of humans and AIs, and can act as a PlayTak.com client. The name comes from a respelling of "tak-rs", after Rust's crate-naming conventions.

Takkerus can be found on crates.io here.


Windows users have the option either to build Takkerus from source by following the instructions below, or they can download precompiled binaries from the releases page.


Check out the source by cloning the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/cdbfoster/takkerus.git

If you don't want to use git, or would prefer a .zip, you can download one from here.


Takkerus requires the nightly release channel. If using rustup, run:

$ rustup install nightly

followed by running:

$ rustup default nightly

to set the global default toolchain, or:

$ rustup override set nightly

from inside the root of the repository to set the toolchain locally.

If not using rustup, you will need to install nightly Rust via a standalone installer. Windows and Mac users can find the correct installer for their platform here (probably the x86_64-pc-windows-gnu .msi for Windows or the x86_64-apple-darwin .pkg for Mac). Linux users can use their distribution's package manager.

Note: Windows users that aren't using rustup will have to uninstall other versions of Rust in order for the nightly version to work.


Use Rust's package manager, Cargo, to build Takkerus. To do so, simply run:

$ cargo build --release

from anywhere within the repository. Cargo will automatically pull in and build the dependencies.

To build and run the program in one step, run:

$ cargo run --release

You can pass command line options to the program by separating them from cargo run --release with --; for instance, cargo run --release -- options go here.


To use the program, either run cargo run --release like above, or run the compiled program from the output directory:

$ target/release/takkerus

for example, from the root of the repository (Or target/debug/takkerus if Cargo was run without the --release flag, above). Use takkerus --help to learn more.


To play a 5x5 game against a strong bot:

$ takkerus

which is equivalent to:

$ takkerus play -s 5 --p1 human --p2 pvsearch -g 60

To analyze the next best moves for a position given in a PTN file:

$ takkerus analyze -f my_ptn_file


Questions and comments can be sent to my email, cdbfoster@gmail.com

© 2016 - 2017 Chris Foster

Commit count: 204

cargo fmt