
created_at2023-05-24 21:24:52.196599
updated_at2024-07-12 22:55:43.989637
descriptionSimple, persistent key-value store.
tauri (tauri-bot)




Simple, persistent key-value store.


This plugin requires a Rust version of at least 1.75

There are three general methods of installation that we can recommend.

  1. Use crates.io and npm (easiest, and requires you to trust that our publishing pipeline worked)
  2. Pull sources directly from Github using git tags / revision hashes (most secure)
  3. Git submodule install this repo in your tauri project and then use file protocol to ingest the source (most secure, but inconvenient to use)

Install the Core plugin by adding the following to your Cargo.toml file:


tauri-plugin-store = "2.0.0-beta"
# alternatively with Git:
tauri-plugin-store = { git = "https://github.com/tauri-apps/plugins-workspace", branch = "v2" }

You can install the JavaScript Guest bindings using your preferred JavaScript package manager:

Note: Since most JavaScript package managers are unable to install packages from git monorepos we provide read-only mirrors of each plugin. This makes installation option 2 more ergonomic to use.

pnpm add @tauri-apps/plugin-store
# or
npm add @tauri-apps/plugin-store
# or
yarn add @tauri-apps/plugin-store

# alternatively with Git:
pnpm add https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri-plugin-store#v2
# or
npm add https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri-plugin-store#v2
# or
yarn add https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri-plugin-store#v2


First you need to register the core plugin with Tauri:


fn main() {
        .expect("error while running tauri application");

Afterwards all the plugin's APIs are available through the JavaScript guest bindings:

import { Store } from "tauri-plugin-store-api";

const store = new Store(".settings.dat");

await store.set("some-key", { value: 5 });

const val = await store.get<{ value: number }>("some-key");

if (val) {
} else {
  console.log("val is null");

// This manually saves the store.
await store.save();

Persisting Values

As seen above, values added to the store are not persisted between application loads unless the application is closed gracefully.

You can manually save a store with:

await store.save();

Stores are loaded automatically when used from the JavaScript bindings.
However, you can also load them manually later like so:

await store.load();

Usage from Rust

You can also create Store instances directly in Rust:

use tauri_plugin_store::StoreBuilder;
use serde_json::json;

fn main() {
        .setup(|app| {
            let mut store = StoreBuilder::new("app_data.bin").build(app.handle().clone());

            // Attempt to load the store, if it's saved already.
            store.load().expect("Failed to load store from disk");

            // Note that values must be serde_json::Value instances,
            // otherwise, they will not be compatible with the JavaScript bindings.
            store.insert("a".to_string(), json!("b"));

            // You can manually save the store after making changes.
            // Otherwise, it will save upon graceful exit as described above.
        .expect("error while running tauri application");

Loading Gracefully

If you call load on a Store that hasn't yet been written to the disk, it will return an error. You must handle this error if you want to gracefully continue and use the default store until you save it to the disk. The example above shows how to do this.

For example, this would cause a panic if the store has not yet been created:


Rather than silently continuing like you may expect.

You should always handle the error appropriately rather than unwrapping, or you may experience unexpected app crashes:

store.load().expect("Failed to load store from disk");

Frontend Interoperability

As you may have noticed, the Store crated above isn't accessible to the frontend. To interoperate with stores created by JavaScript use the exported with_store method:

use tauri::Wry;
use tauri_plugin_store::with_store;

let stores = app.state::<StoreCollection<Wry>>();
let path = PathBuf::from("app_data.bin");

with_store(app_handle, stores, path, |store| store.insert("a".to_string(), json!("b")))


PRs accepted. Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.



For the complete list of sponsors please visit our website and Open Collective.


Code: (c) 2015 - Present - The Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy.

MIT or MIT/Apache 2.0 where applicable.

Commit count: 1249

cargo fmt