
created_at2022-06-16 14:17:43.317864
updated_at2023-06-12 11:12:24.183057
descriptionA tiny benchmarking library



🛠 tiny-bench

A tiny benchmarking library

Embark Embark Crates.io Docs dependency status Build status

The library

A benchmarking and timing library inspired by Criterion.
Inspired in this case means copying the things that criterion does well (and I do mean ctrl-c), like statistical analysis of results, trimming that down, and leaving much of the customizability out.
Criterion is MIT licensed, please see the license at that repo or here.

Primary goals

  • Reliable results
  • Fast build
  • No dependencies
  • Simple code that anyone can read, understand, and modify


Sometimes you just need some back-of-the-envelope calculations of how long something takes. This library aims to fulfill that need and not much else.

The aim of the benchmarking is to be accurate enough to deliver reliable benchmarks with a minimal footprint, so that you can easily get a sense of whether you're going down a bad path.

The aim of the timing is to provide something that will let you figure out the same with the caveat of not being as reliable. It times some code so that you can get a sense of how much time pieces of your code takes to run.


This library does not aim to provide production grade analysis tooling. It just prints data to stdout to guide you. If you need advanced analysis Criterion has tooling better suited to that.
If you need to find where your application spends its time flamegraph may be better suited for that.
If you need to track single pieces of your application when it's running Tracing may be better suited for that.
Lastly, if you want an even smaller benchmarking library, check out benchmark-simple.


There are a few statistical measures that would be nice to have but are limited by the methods used by this library.
Since it potentially runs billions of iterations, calculating statistics based on seeing all iterations such as median, standard deviation, and percentiles are not feasible without caching data to disk. Therefore, measures like variance, or median are prefixed by "sample" as they are not related to individual iteration times, but a comparison between samples.

There is no arg-parsing or bench-matching in this library, so you can't run cargo bench . Instead, the user needs to put different benches into functions, and add/remove those functions from bench main. The reason for this is that those libraries are heavy-weight and would likely require some macros to select which benches to run which decreases readability and understandability.


Getting a hint of what parts of your application take time

"I have this iterator, and I'd like to get some sense of how long it takes to complete"

use std::time::Duration;
use tiny_bench::Timeable;

pub fn main() {
    let v = (0..100)
        .map(|a| {
    assert_eq!(99, v.unwrap())
    // prints:
    // anonymous [100.0 iterations in 512.25ms]:
    // elapsed	[min mean max]:	[5.06ms 5.12ms 5.20ms]

fn my_expensive_call() {

"I have this loop that has side effects, and I'd like to time its execution"

use tiny_bench::run_timed_from_iterator;

fn main() {
    let generator = 0..100;
    let mut spooky_calculation = 0;
    let results = run_timed_from_iterator(generator, |i| {
        spooky_calculation += i;
    assert_eq!(4950, spooky_calculation);

More involved comparisons

"My algorithm is pretty stupid, but I'm only sorting vectors with a max-length of 5, so maybe it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things"

use tiny_bench::BenchmarkConfig;

fn main() {
    let v = vec![10, 5, 3, 8, 7, 5];
    tiny_bench::run_bench(&BenchmarkConfig::default(), || {
        let sorted = bad_sort(v.clone());
        assert_eq!(vec![3, 5, 5, 7, 8, 10], sorted);
    // Prints:
    // anonymous [2.5M iterations in 4.99s with 100.0 samples]:
    // elapsed	[min mean max]:	[2.14µs 2.01µs 2.14µs]

fn bad_sort(mut v: Vec<u32>) -> Vec<u32> {
    let mut sorted = Vec::with_capacity(v.len());
    while !v.is_empty() {
        let mut min_val = u32::MAX;
        let mut min_index = 0;
        for i in 0..v.len() {
            if v[i] < min_val {
                min_index = i;
                min_val = v[i];

"I'd like to compare different implementations with each other"

use tiny_bench::black_box;

fn main() {
    // Results are compared by label
    let label = "compare_functions";
    tiny_bench::bench_labeled(label, my_slow_function);
    tiny_bench::bench_labeled(label, my_faster_function);
    // prints:
    //compare_functions [30.3 thousand iterations in 5.24s with 100.0 samples]:
    //elapsed	[min mean max]:	[246.33µs 175.51µs 246.33µs]
    //compare_functions [60.6 thousand iterations in 5.24s with 100.0 samples]:
    //elapsed	[min mean max]:	[87.67µs 86.42µs 87.67µs]
    //change	[min mean max]:	[-49.6111% -50.7620% -64.4102%] (p = 0.00)

fn my_slow_function() {
    let mut num_iters = 0;
    for _ in 0..10_000 {
        num_iters += black_box(1);
    assert_eq!(10_000, black_box(num_iters))

fn my_faster_function() {
    let mut num_iters = 0;
    for _ in 0..5_000 {
        num_iters += black_box(1);
    assert_eq!(5_000, black_box(num_iters))


Contributor Covenant

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Any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in an Embark Studios project, shall comply with the Rust standard licensing model (MIT OR Apache 2.0) and therefore be dual licensed as described below, without any additional terms or conditions:


This contribution is dual licensed under EITHER OF

at your option.

For clarity, "your" refers to Embark or any other licensee/user of the contribution.

Commit count: 37

cargo fmt