
created_at2020-12-07 21:39:03.988834+00
updated_at2020-12-07 21:39:03.988834+00
descriptionA small crate to simplfy type to bytes encoding
x86_64 (github:rust-osdev:x86_64)



The main goal of this crate is to simplify serialization of type's and structures to bytes.


If one works with binary formats/protocols a lot of time is spent implementing decoding and encoding types and structures of the format/protocol in order to further process the contained data.

For decoding parsers generators like nom are very helpful and easy the implmentation. This create tries to provide a lightweight encoding/output conbinator by just introducing 2 new traits which in turn then can make use of the iterator facilites to crate the desired output chain of bytes.

Why this extra step with the trait's

  1. By introducing such a trait complex (compsites) structures in a lot of cases can be implemented by just encoding and chaining the childs in order

  2. The fileds of a type still can be used for encoding but there is no hard dependency on their order nor their actual size

    e.g. a protocol field size with the encoded size of 2 Bytes (u16), still can be represented e.g. as usize withn the structures/type which save quite some converting and casting.

  3. There is no need of a type to provide a specific amount of memory in order to be serialized (the serialization of a type or a type could be 100% computational)

    e.g.: assume this protocol type/structure (Packet)

    | field1 (1 Byte) | reserved (7 Byte) | filed2 (8 Byte) |

    internally it could be represented and implemented like this

    use tobytes::ByteView;
    use tobytes::ToBytes;
    struct Packet {
    field1: u8,
    field2: u64
    impl Packet {
       const RESERVED : u8 = 0x00;
    impl ByteView for Packet {
        fn byte_at(&self, index: usize) -> Option<u8> {
            if index < ByteView::byte_size(self) {
                match index {
                    0 => self.field1.byte_at(index),
                    1..=7 => Some(Packet::RESERVED),
                    8..=15 => self.field2.byte_at(index -7),
                    _ => None
            else {
        fn byte_size(&self) -> usize {
        ByteView::byte_size(&self.field1) + 7usize + ByteView::byte_size(&self.field2)
    let field1 = 0xaau8;
    let field2 = 0xaabbccddeeff11u64.to_be();
    let p = Packet {field1, field2};
    let mut bytes = p.to_bytes();
    assert_eq!(16usize, p.byte_size());
        vec![0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff, 0x11],

How? (Usage)


How to serialize integers of different endianess and size

use tobytes::ByteView;
use tobytes::ToBytes;

let uint16_be : u16 = 0x0A0Bu16.to_be();
let uint16_le : u16 = 0x0C0Du16.to_le();
let uint32_le : u32 = 0x01020304u32.to_le();

let uint16_be_bytes = uint16_be.to_bytes();
let uint16_le_bytes = uint16_le.to_bytes();
let uint32_le_bytes = uint32_le.to_bytes();

let mut bytes = uint16_be_bytes.chain(uint16_le_bytes.chain(uint32_le_bytes));

assert_eq!(vec![0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01], bytes.collect::<Vec<u8>>())

How to serialize a custom type which contains different endinesses and types


How to serialize a custom type which contains types which also implent the ByteView trait



  • Implement ByteView for built in integer and float types
  • Implement ByteView for slice like types
  • Implement derive macro for ByteView
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