
created_at2024-06-21 19:04:40.305987
updated_at2024-10-02 19:23:07.266304
descriptionthis crate helps us configure tracing for a rust project. It is designed to be used with the `traced-test` crate




tracing-setup is a Rust crate that simplifies the configuration and usage of the tracing crate for instrumenting applications to collect structured, event-based diagnostic information. It provides utilities for buffered logging, dynamic tracing levels, file logging with rotation, and test logging setup functions.

Table of Contents


  • Buffered Logging: Collect tracing events in a buffer and flush them on demand.
  • Dynamic Tracing Levels: Change the tracing level at runtime.
  • File Logging: Log tracing events to files with optional rotation policies.
  • Test Logging Utilities: Simplify logging setup in tests.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

tracing-setup = "1.0.2"


Buffered Logging

Buffered logging allows you to collect tracing events in memory and flush them later. This is useful when you want to defer logging until a certain point in your application, such as after a transaction completes.

Setup Buffered Tracing

use tracing_setup::setup_buffered_tracing;
use tracing::{info, debug};
use tracing::subscriber::set_global_default;

let buffered_subscriber = setup_buffered_tracing(Some("my_tag"));

// Register the subscriber as the global default
    .expect("Failed to set subscriber");

// Emit some tracing events
info!("This is an info message");
debug!("This is a debug message");

// Flush the buffered events

Event Printers

Customize how events are printed when flushed by selecting an EventPrinter variant:

  • EventPrinter::FullWithHeader: Prints the full event with headers.
  • EventPrinter::LogLineAndContents: Prints the log line and contents.
  • EventPrinter::JustTheContents: Prints only the event contents (default).


use tracing_setup::{setup_buffered_tracing, EventPrinter};
use tracing::subscriber::set_global_default;

let buffered_subscriber = setup_buffered_tracing(None);
buffered_subscriber.buffered_layer.event_printer = EventPrinter::LogLineAndContents;

    .expect("Failed to set subscriber");

// Emit events and flush
// ...

Dynamic Tracing Levels

Adjust the tracing level at runtime using the setup_dynamic_tracing function.

use tracing_setup::setup_dynamic_tracing;
use tracing::{info, debug, Level};
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;

let reload_handle = setup_dynamic_tracing(Level::INFO);

// Emit some tracing events
info!("This is an info message");
debug!("This debug message should NOT appear at INFO level");

// Change the tracing level to DEBUG at runtime

// Now debug messages will appear
debug!("This debug message should appear at DEBUG level");

File Logging Configuration

Configure file logging with optional rotation using FileLoggingConfiguration.

use tracing_setup::{FileLoggingConfiguration, init_file_logging};
use tracing::info;
use tracing_appender::rolling::Rotation;
use std::path::PathBuf;

// Configure file logging
let config = FileLoggingConfiguration::new(
    Some(PathBuf::from("app.log")), // Log file path
    tracing::Level::INFO,           // Log level
    Some(Rotation::DAILY),          // Rotation policy

// Initialize file logging

// Now, tracing events will be logged to "app.log" with daily rotation
info!("Application started");

Test Logging Utilities

Simplify logging setup in tests with init_test_logger.

use tracing_setup::init_test_logger;
use tracing::LevelFilter;
use tracing::info;

fn my_test() {
    init_test_logger(LevelFilter::Debug, true);

    info!("This is an info message in a test");

Alternatively, use the setup_test_logger macro:

use tracing_setup::setup_test_logger;
use tracing::info;

fn my_test() {

    info!("This is an info message in a test");

Modules and Traits


A tracing subscriber layer that buffers events in memory and can flush them to an output. Useful for deferring logging until a specific point in your application.


use tracing_setup::BufferedLayer;
use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt;
use tracing_subscriber::Registry;

let buffered_layer = BufferedLayer::default();
let subscriber = Registry::default().with(buffered_layer.clone());

// Set the subscriber as the default
    .expect("Failed to set subscriber");

// Emit events
tracing::info!("Event 1");
tracing::info!("Event 2");

// Flush events


A subscriber that wraps BufferedLayer and implements the Flushable trait.

Flushable Trait

Defines a flush method for types that can flush buffered events.

pub trait Flushable {
    fn flush(&self);

HandleBufferWriteEvent Trait

Handles writing events to the buffer in different formats.


  • FullWithHeader: Prints full event details with headers.
  • LogLineAndContents: Prints the log line and contents.
  • JustTheContents: Prints only the event contents.

EventPrinter Enum

Specifies the format for printing events when flushing.

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum EventPrinter {


Configures file logging with options for log path, level, rotation, and whether the log is temporary (deleted when the configuration is dropped).


  • log_path: Option<PathBuf>: Path to the log file.
  • log_level: Level: Logging level.
  • rotation: Option<Rotation>: Log rotation policy.
  • temporary: bool: Indicates if the log file should be deleted when dropped.


  • new: Creates a new configuration.
  • new_temporary: Creates a new temporary configuration.
  • default: Provides default configuration.
  • default_temporary: Provides default temporary configuration.
  • create_writer: Creates a writer based on the configuration.


Initializes file logging based on a FileLoggingConfiguration.

pub fn init_file_logging(config: FileLoggingConfiguration)

Utility Functions

  • configure_tracing: Initializes the logging subscriber with environment filter.
  • init_default_file_logging: Initializes file logging with default configuration.
  • init_test_logger: Initializes a test logger with specified level.
  • init_test_logger_with_max_level_filter: Initializes a test logger with maximum level filter.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Note: Ensure that all dependencies such as tracing, tracing_subscriber, tracing_appender, and colored are included in your Cargo.toml to use the features demonstrated in this README.

Feel free to contribute to this crate by opening issues or submitting pull requests.

Commit count: 248

cargo fmt