
created_at2022-02-07 15:30:22.69689
updated_at2022-02-11 21:30:06.05014
descriptionCommand Line Interface for treasury client
development (github:dabbotorg:development)




crates docs actions MIT/Apache loc

Treasury is easy to use set of libraries and tools for creating asset pipelines for game engines or other applications.

Table of contents

:computer: Installation

Applications provided by treasury can be installed with cargo.

To install treasury-server run

cargo install treasury-server

To install treasury command line tool

cargo install treasury-cli

:hand: Usage

:zap: Initialization

To start using Treasury an instance must be created. Treasury instance is defined by Treasury.toml file. Parent directory of the file is called "Base directory".

This file can be created manually :construction_worker: or using methods below:

  • CLI tool

    treasury init

    will initialize Treasury instance using current directory as base.

    treasury --base <path> init

    will initialize Treasury instance with base directory <path>.

  • Client library API provides method Client::local. With init argument set to true it will initialize Treasury. This is internally used by CLI call above.

:zap: Configuration

Default Treasury.toml file looks like this

Yes, empty file.

There are four fields that can be overridden.

  • artifacts = "<path>"

    will override artifacts directory to specified path relative to <base>. Defaults to <base>/treasury/artifacts

    Artifacts directory is where all artifacts are stored. This can and SHOULD NOT be covered by VCS. If path is inside repository then it should be ignored. If Treasury creates artifacts directory (when storing an artifact and directory does not exist) it will create .gitignore file with "*".

  • external = "<path>"

    will override external directory to specified path relative to <base>. Defaults to <base>/treasury/external

    External directory is where all metadata files for remote assets are stored. This directory SHOULD be in repository and not ignored by VCS.

  • temp = "<path>"

    will override default directory for temporary files. Defaults to result of std::env::temp_dir(). Temporary files are used as intermediate storage for sources downloaded for importers to consume and for importers output.

  • importers = ["<list>", "<of>", "<paths>"]

    will tell what importer libraries that should be used for this instance.
    For Rust projects they will typically reside in target directory of the cargo workspace.

Once initialized Treasury instance can be used to store and fetch assets.

:zap: Storing

Storing assets in Treasury is straightforward. Using CLI took it looks like this

treasury store <source-path> <target-format>

The last line in output will contain AssetId if store operation is successful. Otherwise error will be printed.

If source format is ambiguous, it can be specified after target format

treasury store <source-path> <target-format> <source-format>

To store asset from URL use --url (short -u) flag.

treasury store --url <source-url> <target-format> <source-format>

Without this flag source argument is always interpreted as filepath. With this flag source argument is always interpreted as URL. Which can be file: URL too.

With library API storing is done using treasury_client::Client::store_asset method.

Store process

Whole process can be described in four steps:

  1. User provides asset source, target format that will be used by end application and optionally source format. Source format required only if ambiguous.

  2. A registered importer that matches source and target formats runs and processes asset into artifact.

  3. Treasury stores resulting artifact. It avoids storing duplicates though. Different assets may point to the same artifact.

  4. AssetId is returned.

:zap: Fetching

User can fetch artifacts of stored assets using asset source and target format. Or AssetId. Artifacts should always use AssetId. When asset sources migrate, .treasury file should come along. In this case reimporting would not be required and their AssetId is preserved.

:zap: Importers

In order to store assets an importer is required to transform asset source :egg: into an artifact :baby_chick:.

Importers are types that implement treasury_import::Importer traits.
Treasury can be configured to load importers from dynamic libraries.

To simplify writing importers libraries and minimize problems that can arise from invalid implementation treasury_import::make_treasury_importers_library macro should be used.
This macro will export all necessary symbols that are expected by server. It will ensure ABI compatibility using major version of treasury_import crate. The macro an code it generates will do all the unsafe ops, leaving author of importers library with simple and 100% safe Rust.

Example importer

Basic importer library may look like this

# Cargo.toml
name = "my-importer"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

treasury-import = { path = "../../import" }
//! src/
struct MyImporter;

impl treasury_import::Importer for MyImporter {
    fn import(
        source: &std::path::Path,
        output: &std::path::Path,
        _sources: &impl treasury_import::Sources,
        _dependencies: &impl treasury_import::Dependencies,
    ) -> Result<(), treasury_import::ImportError> {
        match std::fs::copy(source, output) {
          Ok(_) => Ok(()),
          Err(err) => Err(treasury_import::ImporterError::Other { reason: "SOMETHING WENT WRONG".to_owned() }),

// Define all required exports.
treasury_import::make_treasury_importers_library! {
    // [extensions list]  <name> : <source-format> -> <target-format> = <expr>;
    // <expr> must have type &'static I where I: Importer
    // Use `Box::leak(importer)` if importer instance cannot be constructed in constant expression.
    [foo] foo : foo -> foo = &FooImporter;

Artifacts produced by import process should always use AssetId to refer to dependencies. Asset source file can contain path (relative to source file or absolute) or URL, which can be easily converted to AssetId by Dependencies. If dependency is not found, ImportResult::RequireDependencies { ... } should be returned. Storing procedure will attempt to store dependencies and retry import.

What is missing?

Currently this project is bare-bone implementation of the asset pipeline.

  • Packing is not yet implemented. There must be a way to pack subset of artifacts into package optimized for storing on disk and loading without indirections.
  • Server is not ready to be used in remote mode. To prepare for that, server should be able to fetch local source data from client that requests store operation.
  • Currently only file: and data: URLs are supported. This is enough for working with local assets.
  • :fire: Hot-reloading :fire: is not yet possible as server does not watches :eyes: for changes in sources.


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Commit count: 36

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