
created_at2023-06-27 17:27:22.353482+00
updated_at2023-07-31 13:42:04.45659+00
descriptiona tiny and easy to use ecs library
异月 (ealinye)



a tiny entity-component-system library

  • less dependencies

  • fast to build

  • easy to use

Hello World

// a function-system
fn hello_world() {
    println!("Hello World")

fn main() {
    // create a world
    let mut world = tecs::World::new();
    // add "hello world" system into world's start_up_systems
    // startup_systems will only run once
    // make the loop run once only
    .run_until(|| true);

add components into world

you can use spawn method to add any types that implemented Bundle or Component trait into world

use tecs::tools::Command;

let mut world = tecs::World::new();

you can derive Bundle and Component trait easily

Component is just a tag, it could be implemented for any type

use tecs::bundle::Component;

struct MyComponent{
    name : String,

all of the field of Bundle should implement Component

use tecs::bundle::Bundle;

struct MyBundle{
    inner : MyComponent,

Component defaults to the following type implementation

  • usize,u8,u16,u32,u64
  • isize,i8,i16,i32,i64
  • (),bool,&'static str

Bundle defaults to all tuple implementations that contain only types thatComponent trait implemented

such as:

  • (usize,&str)

query components in world

use Query directly

use tecs::world::Query;
use tecs::tool::Command;

let mut world = tecs::World::new();
// add two `Bundle` into world     

// create a `Query` to get all i32'a refence
let query = Query::<&i32>::new(&mut world);
for item in query {
// this code will print: 
// 12345
// 54321

or use system

use tecs::world::{Query,Commands};
use tecs::tool::Command;

// use command to do spawn
fn do_spawn(mut commands: Commands){

// note: you cant use conflict Query in one system, or the program will panic when you add system into world
// a example of conflict Query: Query<&i32> and Query<&mut i32>
fn print_all_i23(mut query : Query<&i32>){
    for item in query {


Query is a type that receiver two generic

pub struct Query<'a, F: WorldFetch, Q: WorldFilter = ()> {...}

WorldFetch is used to fetch component in world

it could be the (im)mutable reference of Component,or a tuple that contains only WorldFetch

WorldFilter is used to fetch bundle in world

it could be

  • All or All<(Component1,Component1,...)> to filter bundle that contains all of components

  • OneOf or OneOf<(Component1,Component1,...)> to filter bundle that contains at least one of components

  • Not or Not<(Component1,Component1,...)> to filter bundle that doesnot contain any one of components


  • Query<&i32> will query all components that contain i32 component, and give immutable references of i32 in iterator

  • use Query<&mut i32> to let iterator give mutable references of i32 in iterator

  • use Query<&i32,All<&str>> will query all components that contain i32 and &str, and give immutable references of i32 in iterator

  • use Query<&i32,AnyOf<(&str,MyComponent)>> will query all components that contain i32 and one of &str and MyComponent, and give immutable references of i32 in iterator

  • use Query<&i32,All<&str>> will query all components that contain i32 and dont contain &str, and give immutable references of i32 in iterator


you can use for to get the result of the query the type of fetch is WorldFetch

for fetch in query {}

you can use for with .into_eiter() method to get the result of the query,and the Entity of result

for e in query.into_eiter() {}

the type of e is EBundle

pub struct EBundle<'a, F: WorldFetch> {...}

you can deref e to get the result of query, use .entity() method to get the Entity of result

Entity could be used to remove the bundle that queried



Resources are stored in the world type by type

use tecs::tools::ResManager;

let mut world = tecs::World::new();
// get resources usize, and init it to 1

with system

features: System

this feature is really useful

this feature is enabled by default

this feature allow you to run system in world to access resources and components

only function-system supported in this version

all types that implemented SystemParm trait could be the parm of the function-system

follow types impled SystemParm trait

you can find them in tecs::world mod

type usage note
Res to get resources of type T in world cant use same Res in one system
Resources to get any type of resources in world cant use be used with any Res in one system
Query<F,Q> to query components in world cant use conflict query in one system, like Query<&T> and Query<&mut T>
Commands to add and remove bundle into world use spawn_many() method to spawn many bundle with the same type quickly

to run a system,you need to add system into world by using .add_system() method or .add_startup_system() method fist

  • all startup_systems will only run once

  • systems run pre loop

to run systems in world,you can

  • use .startup() method to run all startup_systems

  • use .run_once() method to run all systems once(dont include startup_systems)

  • use .run() method to run all systems many times, this method will not return.

  • use .run_until(f) method to run all systems many times, the loop will be break when f return true;

features: async

this feature is disabled by default

this feature allow you to run async function-system in world

this feature make you can and only can add async function-system into world, reason:

note: upstream crates may add a new impl of trait `std::future::Future` for type `()` in future versions

the '.startup' '.run_once' '.run' '.run_until' methods become asynchronous functions

Commit count: 30

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