| tui-qrcode | | tui-qrcode |
version | |
source | src |
created_at | 2025-01-23 03:40:56.992174+00 |
updated_at | 2025-03-02 02:44:24.92966+00 |
description | A Ratatui widget for displaying QR codes in the terminal |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 1527439 |
Cargo.toml error: | TOML parse error at line 19, column 1 | 19 | autolib = false | ^^^^^^^ unknown field `autolib`, expected one of `name`, `version`, `edition`, `authors`, `description`, `readme`, `license`, `repository`, `homepage`, `documentation`, `build`, `resolver`, `links`, `default-run`, `default_dash_run`, `rust-version`, `rust_dash_version`, `rust_version`, `license-file`, `license_dash_file`, `license_file`, `licenseFile`, `license_capital_file`, `forced-target`, `forced_dash_target`, `autobins`, `autotests`, `autoexamples`, `autobenches`, `publish`, `metadata`, `keywords`, `categories`, `exclude`, `include` |
size | 0 |
TUI QR Code is a library for rendering QR codes in a terminal using the Ratatui crate.
GitHub Repository · API Docs · Examples · Changelog · Contributing
Add qrcode and tui-qrcode to your Cargo.toml. You can disable the default features of qrcode as we don't need the code which renders the QR code to an image.
cargo add qrcode tui-qrcode --no-default-features
This example can be found in the examples
directory of the repository.
use qrcode::QrCode;
use ratatui_core::{crossterm::event, DefaultTerminal, Frame};
use tui_qrcode::{Colors, QrCodeWidget};
fn main() -> color_eyre::Result<()> {
let terminal = ratatui::init();
let result = run(terminal);
fn run(mut terminal: DefaultTerminal) -> color_eyre::Result<()> {
loop {
if matches!(event::read()?, event::Event::Key(_)) {
break Ok(());
fn render(frame: &mut Frame) {
let qr_code = QrCode::new("").expect("failed to create QR code");
let widget = QrCodeWidget::new(qr_code).colors(Colors::Inverted);
frame.render_widget(widget, frame.area());
Renders the following QR code:
████ ▄▄▄▄▄ █▄ ▄▄▄ ████ ▄▄▄▄▄ ████
████ █ █ █▄▄▄█▀▄██ █ █ █ ████
████ █▄▄▄█ █▀ ▄▀ ███ █▄▄▄█ ████
████▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄▀▄█ ▀▄▀ █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄████
████ █▄▀▀▀▄▄▀▄▄ ▄█▀▄█▀ █▀▄▀ ████
██████▀█ ▄▀▄▄▀▀ ▄ ▄█ ▄▄█ ▄█▄████
████▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▀█▄▄█ ▀ ▀ ▀███▀ ████
████▄▄ ▀█▄▄▀▄▄ ▄█▀█▄▀█▄▀▀ ▄█▄████
████▄▄█▄██▄█ ▄▀▄ ▄█ ▄▄▄ ██▄▀████
████ ▄▄▄▄▄ █▄▄▄▀ ▄ ▀ █▄█ ███ ████
████ █ █ ██ ███ ▄▄ ▄▄ █▀ ▄████
████ █▄▄▄█ █▄▀ ▄█▀█▀ ▄█ ▄█▄▄████