
created_at2024-01-14 07:08:31.082093
updated_at2024-01-14 15:04:14.322178
descriptionGenerated Rust bindings for TheTVDB API v4
Pop (George-Miao)



Rust client for TVDB API v4

This API is generated from the official OpenAPI spec using OpenAPI Generator. However, there's some known errors with the data returned, so use at your own risk and this lib is not affiliated with in any way

Notices from the TVDB


  1. Use the /login endpoint and provide your API key as "apikey". If you have a user-supported key, also provide your subscriber PIN as "pin". Otherwise completely remove "pin" from your call.
  2. Executing this call will provide you with a bearer token, which is valid for 1 month.
  3. Provide your bearer token for subsequent API calls by including it in headers.


  1. "score" is a field across almost all entities. We generate scores for different types of entities in various ways, so no assumptions should be made about the meaning of this value. It is simply used to hint at relative popularity for sorting purposes.


  • API version: 4.7.8
  • Package version: 4.7.8


Add following line to Cargo.toml of your project:

tvdb4 = "4.7.8"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description

ArtworkApi | get_artwork_base | GET /artwork/{id} | ArtworkApi | get_artwork_extended | GET /artwork/{id}/extended | ArtworkStatusesApi | get_all_artwork_statuses | GET /artwork/statuses | ArtworkTypesApi | get_all_artwork_types | GET /artwork/types | AwardCategoriesApi | get_award_category | GET /awards/categories/{id} | AwardCategoriesApi | get_award_category_extended | GET /awards/categories/{id}/extended | AwardsApi | get_all_awards | GET /awards | AwardsApi | get_award | GET /awards/{id} | AwardsApi | get_award_extended | GET /awards/{id}/extended | CharactersApi | get_character_base | GET /characters/{id} | CompaniesApi | get_all_companies | GET /companies | CompaniesApi | get_company | GET /companies/{id} | CompaniesApi | get_company_types | GET /companies/types | ContentRatingsApi | get_all_content_ratings | GET /content/ratings | CountriesApi | get_all_countries | GET /countries | EntityTypesApi | get_entity_types | GET /entities | EpisodesApi | get_all_episodes | GET /episodes | EpisodesApi | get_episode_base | GET /episodes/{id} | EpisodesApi | get_episode_extended | GET /episodes/{id}/extended | EpisodesApi | get_episode_translation | GET /episodes/{id}/translations/{language} | FavoritesApi | create_user_favorites | POST /user/favorites | FavoritesApi | get_user_favorites | GET /user/favorites | GendersApi | get_all_genders | GET /genders | GenresApi | get_all_genres | GET /genres | GenresApi | get_genre_base | GET /genres/{id} | InspirationTypesApi | get_all_inspiration_types | GET /inspiration/types | LanguagesApi | get_all_languages | GET /languages | ListsApi | get_all_lists | GET /lists | ListsApi | get_list | GET /lists/{id} | ListsApi | get_list_by_slug | GET /lists/slug/{slug} | ListsApi | get_list_extended | GET /lists/{id}/extended | ListsApi | get_list_translation | GET /lists/{id}/translations/{language} | LoginApi | login_post | POST /login | create an auth token. The token has one month validation length. MovieStatusesApi | get_all_movie_statuses | GET /movies/statuses | MoviesApi | get_all_movie | GET /movies | MoviesApi | get_movie_base | GET /movies/{id} | MoviesApi | get_movie_base_by_slug | GET /movies/slug/{slug} | MoviesApi | get_movie_extended | GET /movies/{id}/extended | MoviesApi | get_movie_translation | GET /movies/{id}/translations/{language} | MoviesApi | get_movies_filter | GET /movies/filter | PeopleApi | get_all_people | GET /people | PeopleApi | get_people_base | GET /people/{id} | PeopleApi | get_people_extended | GET /people/{id}/extended | PeopleApi | get_people_translation | GET /people/{id}/translations/{language} | PeopleTypesApi | get_all_people_types | GET /people/types | SearchApi | get_search_results | GET /search | SearchApi | get_search_results_by_remote_id | GET /search/remoteid/{remoteId} | SeasonsApi | get_all_seasons | GET /seasons | SeasonsApi | get_season_base | GET /seasons/{id} | SeasonsApi | get_season_extended | GET /seasons/{id}/extended | SeasonsApi | get_season_translation | GET /seasons/{id}/translations/{language} | SeasonsApi | get_season_types | GET /seasons/types | SeriesApi | get_all_series | GET /series | SeriesApi | get_series_artworks | GET /series/{id}/artworks | SeriesApi | get_series_base | GET /series/{id} | SeriesApi | get_series_base_by_slug | GET /series/slug/{slug} | SeriesApi | get_series_episodes | GET /series/{id}/episodes/{season-type} | SeriesApi | get_series_extended | GET /series/{id}/extended | SeriesApi | get_series_filter | GET /series/filter | SeriesApi | get_series_next_aired | GET /series/{id}/nextAired | SeriesApi | get_series_season_episodes_translated | GET /series/{id}/episodes/{season-type}/{lang} | SeriesApi | get_series_translation | GET /series/{id}/translations/{language} | SeriesStatusesApi | get_all_series_statuses | GET /series/statuses | SourceTypesApi | get_all_source_types | GET /sources/types | UpdatesApi | updates | GET /updates | UserInfoApi | get_user_info | GET /user | UserInfoApi | get_user_info_by_id | GET /user/{id} |

Documentation For Models

Commit count: 0

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