
created_at2024-01-09 12:54:49.564683+00
updated_at2024-01-09 12:54:49.564683+00
descriptionA asynchronous library implementing UDS protocol used for automotive diagnostic, standardized by ISO 14229-1:2013.
Jakub Jíra (japawBlob)




provides asynchronous UDS communication via socketcan

For the correct behaviour, you need to have Linux kernel with applied patch: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-can/20230818114345.142983-1-lukas.magel@posteo.net/#r


module uds - top module containing UdsClient trough which all interaction is provided for the user services used by UdsClient are stored in separate modules - see for example read_data_by_identifier.rs, where structure of service module is described

module communication - basic communication framework. Purpose of this module is to provide send and receive functionality for UdsClient.

All communication was designed to be used primarily with ISO 14229-1:2013 definition of UDS.


For correct behaviour the can interface needs to be setup correctly using following command:

sudo ip l set dev can0 up type can bitrate 500000

Example usage:

use uds_rs::{UdsClient, UdsError};

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() -> Result<(), UdsError> {
    // Create client
    let c = UdsClient::new("can0", 0x774, 0x70A)?;

    // read ecu VIN
    let read_data_result = c.read_data_by_identifier(&[0xf18a]).await;
    match read_data_result {
        Ok(x) => println!("Read data by identifier received {:#x?}", x),
        Err(e) => eprintln!(
            "Read single data by identifier failed with error: {:#x?}",

    // reading dtc
    let read_dtc_information = c.report_dtc_by_status_mask(0xff).await;
    match read_dtc_information {
        Ok(x) => println!("Read dtc by status mask: {:#x?}", x),
        Err(e) => eprintln!("Clear diagnostic information failed with error: {:#x?}", e),

    // clear all stored dtc
    let clear_dtc_information = c.clear_diagnostic_information(0xffffff).await;
    match clear_dtc_information {
        Ok(x) => println!("{:#x?}", x),
        Err(e) => eprintln!("Clear diagnostic information failed with error: {:#x?}", e),

Notes for development

Communication architecture

Current communication architecture is strictly bounded request-response together. It would be much better to have these two interactions separated. One producer for writes and one consumer for reads.

This flaw is the most noticeable during NRC(0x78) - RequestCorrectlyReceivedResponsePending, when the positive response by the server is ignored.

Also without this implemented, it is impossible to add asynchronous services like ReadDataByPeriodicIdentifier.

Services implementation

each service consists of three steps
compose function - serializing service method arguments and other needed data to Vec<u8>
send and receive - passing composed vector to communication backend and returning response
parse function - parsing received raw response &[u8] and serializing it into UdsMessage

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