
created_at2023-12-18 11:14:16.113956+00
updated_at2024-09-25 18:31:04.895865+00
descriptionSmall HTTP router
Ivan Bushchik (ivabus)




Static (list of routes read once) http router for routing small domains.


cargo install urouter

Edit alias.json (or any other JSON file, check --alias-file option) and cargo run

alias.json specification

JSON file with array of sets (or set with one field of arrays of sets with --alias-file-is-set-not-a-list, may be useful i.e. Nix packaging).

Each set contains 2 necessary elements and 1 optional.

  • uri (string) - of URL after host (e.g., /, some/cool/path, should not start with / (only for root))
  • alias (set) - set of one field
    • url (string) - redirect to URL with HTTP 303 See Other
    • file (string) - read file from path --dir/file where --dir is option (default: ., see --help) and respond with HTTP 200 OK with content-type: text/plain
    • text (string) - plain text with HTTP 200 OK with content-type: text/plain
    • html (string) - plain text with HTTP 200 OK with content-type: text/html
    • external (set) - download (every time) file using ureq HTTP library and response with contents of downloaded resource with HTTP 200 OK and extracted content-type from response
      • url (string) - URL to download
      • headers (set, optional) - headers to include with request
  • agent (set, optional) - set of one necessary field and one optional
    • regex (string) - regular expression to match user-agent HTTP header
    • only_matching (bool, optional, false by default) - if false whole alias will be visible for any user agent, if true only for regex matched

Set of array of sets (use only for very specific workarounds)

  "alias": [
      "uri": "/",
      "alias": {
        "url":  "https://somecoolwebsite"

alias.json example

    "uri": "/",
    "alias": {
      "url":  "https://somecoolwebsite"
    "uri": "/",
    "alias": {
      "file": "somecoolscript"
    "agent": {
      "regex": "^curl/[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]$",
      "only_matching": false
    "uri": "text",
    "alias": {
      "text": "sometext"
    "uri": "external",
    "alias": {
      "external": {
        "url": "https://somecool.external.link",
        "headers": {
          "user-agent": "curl/8.6.0"

Agent matching made for curl https://url | sh like scripts.

alias.json location

  • Passed with --alias_file, will look up to this path, if file doesn't exist (or no access to it) will panic
  • If urouter started with privileges (EUID = 0), file would be /etc/urouter/alias.json
  • Otherwise if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, file would be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/urouter/alias.json
  • Otherwise if $HOME is set, file would be $HOME/.config/urouter/alias.json
  • If not matched any, will panic and exit


The project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Commit count: 18

cargo fmt