
created_at2016-10-03 12:06:22.673291
updated_at2024-06-06 11:49:26.273375
descriptionVolatile wrapper types for raw pointers
Philipp Oppermann (phil-opp)





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Provides volatile wrapper types for raw pointers.

The volatile wrapper types in this crate wrap a pointer to any Copy-able type and provide volatile memory access to wrapped value. Volatile memory accesses are never optimized away by the compiler, and are useful in many low-level systems programming and concurrent contexts.

This crate provides two different wrapper types: VolatilePtr and VolatileRef. The difference between the two types is that the former behaves like a raw pointer, while the latter behaves like a Rust reference type. For example, VolatilePtr can be freely copied, but not sent across threads because this could introduce mutable aliasing. The VolatileRef type, on the other hand, requires exclusive access for mutation, so that sharing it across thread boundaries is safe.

Both wrapper types do not enforce any atomicity guarantees; to also get atomicity, consider looking at the Atomic wrapper types found in libcore or libstd.

Why is there no VolatileCell?

Many people expressed interest in a VolatileCell type, i.e. a transparent wrapper type that owns the wrapped value. Such a type would be similar to core::cell::Cell, with the difference that all methods are volatile. Unfortunately, it is not sound to implement such a VolatileCell type in Rust. The reason is that Rust and LLVM consider & and &mut references as dereferencable. This means that the compiler is allowed to freely access the referenced value without any restrictions. So no matter how a VolatileCell type is implemented, the compiler is allowed to perform non-volatile read operations of the contained value, which can lead to unexpected (or even undefined?) behavior. For more details, see the discussion in our repository and in the unsafe-code-guidelines repository.


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Commit count: 256

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