
created_at2022-08-17 10:22:02.552711
updated_at2022-12-15 17:23:52.273841
descriptionAn unopiniated api for parsing renpy archives
Mensch272 (mensch272)





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Warpa is a command-line tool used to create and extract from renpy archives (rpa).

The program fully supports v3.0 and v2.0 and reading v3.2.


  • Fast threaded extraction. Extract files from multiple archives at the same time using threads. Use -m to enable multi-threaded extraction for a single archive by lazy reading file into memory as needed.
  • Built-in glob pattern support. Built-in support for glob pattern matching allows adding and removing files, and extracting and updating archives using patterns.
  • Minimal memory footprint. Warpa does not read archive into memory. It copies segments from the archive into specified location (extracting file or temporary archive depending on command).


cargo install --git https://github.com/mensch272/warpa


This and the following examples are focused on warpa, the commandline tool. For information on warpalib visit the docs or check out the examples.


    -h, --help
            Print help information
    -k, --key <KEY>
            The encryption key used for creating v3 archives (default=0xDEADBEEF)
    -o, --override-version
            Override with default write version (3) if archive version does not support write
    -v, --verbose
            Provide additional information (default only shows errors)
    -V, --version
            Print version information
    -w, --write-version <WRITE_VERSION>
            The write version of archives

    add        Add files to existing or new archive
    extract    Extract files with full paths
    help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list       List contents of archive
    remove     Delete files from archive
    update     Update existing archive by reading from filesystem



The key argument can be used to specify the index table encryption key for the archive. The default key is "0xDEADBEEF".

warpa -k BA5E7023 add path/to/archive.rpa file.txt


Add files to an archive either existing (will overwrite the existing file with the same path) or create a new archive with:

warpa add path/to/archive.rpa file1.txt file2.txt

Files can alternatively mapped to different paths than in filesystem with ARCHIVE=REAL pattern. In the below example, the file is stored as archive.txt while being read from filesystem.txt

warpa add path/to/archive.rpa archive.txt=filesystem.txt

Or, alternatively you can add files based on glob patterns. The example below adds all files in images folder into the archive.

warpa add path/to/archive.rpa -p "images/**/*"


Extract contents of a single archive into the archive directory with:

warpa extract path/to/archive.rpa

Or, specify a extraction target explicitly by providing the --out option. In the example below the contents are extracted into the current working directory.

warpa extract path/to/archive.rpa -o .

Extract multiples archives by providing them consecutively.

warpa extract path/to/archive.rpa path/to/another/archive.rpa

Or, use glob patterns to select specific files in the current working directory (and subdirectories). Here as --out is not specified, the files will be extracted relative to the archive directory.

warpa extract -a "**/*.rpa"

Or, you can even use unix commands like find

find . -type f -name "*.rpa" | xargs warpa extract

Extract has an optional and experimental --memory flag which enables multi-threaded read into archives. This allows for the extraction of multiple files from the archive at the same time. This works best with large archives containing many files.

warpa extract path/to/archive.rpa -m


List out all the files from an archive with:

warpa list path/to/archive.rpa


Remove files from an archive by specifying their full paths in archive.

warpa remove path/to/archive.rpa file1.txt file2.txt

Or, remove files that match a glob pattern. The example below removes all files ending with .txt.

warpa remove path/to/archive.rpa -p *.txt

You can alternatively keep the files matching by passing the --keep flag. This example keeps only the files ending with .txt.

warpa remove path/to/archive.rpa -p *.txt -k


You can update an existing archive by reading from the surrounding file system. This example tries to read all files that exist in archive from the filessystem. If the archive contains README.md then warpa would attempt to read README.md from the directory of the archive.

warpa update path/to/archive.rpa

The files being updated can be filtered using --files and --pattern arguments. The command below only updates file1.txt and other files that end in .md.

warpa update path/to/archive.rpa -f file1.txt -p "*.md"

Warpa can be instructed to find files relative to another directory by giving the --relative argument. The command below will look for README.md in the current working directory.

warpa update path/to/archive.rpa -f README.md -r .


This tool and library is licensed under MIT License.


This tool is intended for use with files on which the authors allow modification of and/or extraction. Unpermitted use on files where such consent was not given is highly discouraged.

Commit count: 110

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