
created_at2022-05-13 02:23:04.504186
updated_at2022-09-05 03:57:37.64145
descriptionA command line tool to simplify removing .webp files from your life.




This is a program created for the sole purpose of converting .webp files into any other (better) image format from the command line. I don't like webp files, and I know that lots of others don't either. Hopefully this program will help you deal with your hatred of this menace. Once the webp file is converted, it is then removed from existence.
This program was built in Rust as a fun little project- I'm trying to learn it and this felt like a neat thing to do with it.


To convert


To run this from cargo, you must have a .webp file in the root of the project. Once this is achieved, run the following in your favorite terminal:

cargo run [webp file] [desired extension]

For example, if I wanted to convert the file flippy.webp to a png file, I would do the following:

cargo run flippy png

Note that you do not actually need to add the .webp extension to your file name, nor do you need to specify your desired extension if it is png- cargo run flippy would produce the same results as the command featured above.


To run this from the binary, place it in the same directory as any webp file you want to convert, and run the following in your favorite terminal:

webp_killer.exe [webp file] [desired extension]

For example, if I wanted to convert the file flippy.webp to a png file, I would do the following:

webp_killer.exe flippy png

Just like with cargo, you do not need to specify the extension if you want to convert your webp file into a png file. webp_killer.exe flippy works the exact same way as the command featured above.

To Detect and Destroy

Alternatively, you can just run the binary file in command prompt without any arguments, and the program will automatically detect webp files downloaded to the directory and convert them immediately.


Also see the video below (in 150% speed):

"The user clicks on webp_killer.exe in a directory and drags a webp file into it. The webp is converted into a png."


Thanks for checking out my tiny little project, I hope your days in the future will be filled with less webp file struggles :)

Commit count: 15

cargo fmt