
created_at2018-07-28 04:43:14.127626
updated_at2023-11-11 16:12:15.451958
descriptionXCompress is a free file archiver utility on Linux, providing multi-format archiving to and extracting from ZIP, Z, GZIP, BZIP2, LZ, XZ, LZMA, 7ZIP, TAR, RAR and ZSTD.
Magic Len (Ron Li) (magiclen)





XCompress is a free file archiver utility on Linux, providing multi-format archiving to and extracting from ZIP, Z, GZIP, BZIP2, LZ, XZ, LZMA, 7ZIP, TAR, RAR and ZSTD.


xcompress a foo.wav                      # Archive foo.wav to foo.rar
xcompress a foo.wav /root/bar.txt        # Archive foo.wav and /root/bar.txt to foo.rar
xcompress a -o /tmp/out.7z foo.wav       # Archive foo.wav to /tmp/out.7z
xcompress a -b foo/bar                   # Archive foo/bar folder to bar.rar as small as possible
xcompress a -f foo/bar -r 5              # Archive foo/bar folder to bar.rar as fast as possible and add 5% recovery record
xcompress a -p password foo.wav          # Archive foo.wav to foo.rar with a password
xcompress x foo.rar                      # Extract foo.rar into current working directory
xcompress x foo.tar.gz /tmp/out_folder   # Extract foo.tar.gz into /tmp/out_folder
xcompress x -p password foo.rar          # Extract foo.rar with a password into current working directory

Usage: xcompress [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  x     Extract files with full path
  a     Add files to archive. Excludes base directory from names (e.g. add /path/to/folder, you can always get the "folder" in the root of the archive file, instead of /path/to/folder)
  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -q, --quiet                          Make programs not print anything on the screen
  -s, --single-thread                  Use only one thread
  -p, --password [<PASSWORD>]          Set password for your archive file. (Only supports 7Z, ZIP and RAR) Set an empty string to read a password from stdin
      --compress-path <COMPRESS_PATH>  Specify the path of your compress executable binary file [default: compress]
      --zip-path <ZIP_PATH>            Specify the path of your zip executable binary file [default: zip]
      --unzip-path <UNZIP_PATH>        Specify the path of your unzip executable binary file [default: unzip]
      --gzip-path <GZIP_PATH>          Specify the path of your gzip executable binary file [default: gzip]
      --gnuzip-path <GNUZIP_PATH>      Specify the path of your gunzip executable binary file [default: gunzip]
      --pigz-path <PIGZ_PATH>          Specify the path of your pigz executable binary file [default: pigz]
      --bzip2-path <BZIP2_PATH>        Specify the path of your bzip2 executable binary file [default: bzip2]
      --bunzip2-path <BUNZIP2_PATH>    Specify the path of your bunzip2 executable binary file [default: bunzip2]
      --lbzip2-path <LBZIP2_PATH>      Specify the path of your lbzip2 executable binary file [default: lbzip2]
      --pbzip2-path <PBZIP2_PATH>      Specify the path of your pbzip2 executable binary file [default: pbzip2]
      --lzip-path <LZIP_PATH>          Specify the path of your lzip executable binary file [default: lzip]
      --lunzip-path <LUNZIP_PATH>      Specify the path of your lunzip executable binary file [default: lunzip]
      --plzip-path <PLZIP_PATH>        Specify the path of your plzip executable binary file [default: plzip]
      --xz-path <XZ_PATH>              Specify the path of your xz executable binary file [default: xz]
      --unxz-path <UNXZ_PATH>          Specify the path of your unxz executable binary file [default: unxz]
      --pxz-path <PXZ_PATH>            Specify the path of your pxz executable binary file [default: pxz]
      --lzma-path <LZMA_PATH>          Specify the path of your lzma executable binary file [default: lzma]
      --unlzma-path <UNLZMA_PATH>      Specify the path of your unlzma executable binary file [default: unlzma]
      --7z-path <7z-path>              Specify the path of your 7z executable binary file [default: 7z]
      --tar-path <TAR_PATH>            Specify the path of your tar executable binary file [default: tar]
      --rar-path <RAR_PATH>            Specify the path of your rar executable binary file [default: rar]
      --unrar-path <UNRAR_PATH>        Specify the path of your unrar executable binary file [default: unrar]
      --zstd-path <ZSTD_PATH>          Specify the path of your zstd executable binary file [default: zstd]
      --unzstd-path <UNZSTD_PATH>      Specify the path of your unzstd executable binary file [default: unzstd]
      --pzstd-path <PZSTD_PATH>        Specify the path of your pzstd executable binary file [default: pzstd]
  -h, --help                           Print help
  -V, --version                        Print version



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