Rust Digger: Does size matter? The biggest crate is 450MB; More than 100 crates are over 50MB.

Date: 2024.04.22


Now that we have all the released crates copied locally we can analyze them. The MSRV stats last week were already using that data. The code needed some cleanup to easily accommodate more data, but now we can already collect data from all the files in a released crates. One such aspect was total size of the crates. The result quite surprised me.


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The biggest crates

This table was taken from the biggest crates report. The biggest crate is 450 MB of source code! The 100 biggest crates all weight more than 50 MB in source code. Compared to that the Rust Digger uses about 400K and about 60% of that is just HTML.

I'll have to look more deeply into what is taking up so much space and also to see "smaller" crates that are still more than 10 MB.

name Size
difftastic 474,778,153
inkjet 446,057,459
jni-android-sys 217,981,312
baz-difftastic 216,841,203
bevy-glsl-to-spirv 199,008,531
nixel 197,915,431
tree-sitter-parsers 169,041,626
diffsitter 168,885,016
difftastic_mod_for_windows 163,945,309
stm32-metapac 162,202,538
mozjs_sys 161,225,785
Brains 160,502,576
efm32gg11b-pac 158,582,787
open62541-ffi 158,506,978
printk 155,688,102
efm32gg12b-pac 152,594,947
efm32wg-pac 150,269,076
efm32lg-pac 149,878,428
difftastic-oc 143,662,576
efm32gg-pac 142,689,659
windows 133,924,352
treelight 133,825,395
qt_core 133,695,547
qt_widgets 128,274,706
schema_org_types 121,860,909
v8 121,207,897
pepegsitter 113,522,568
fbxsdk-sys 113,110,956
qt_gui 111,336,001
tree-sitter-poweron 101,871,750
clfft 97,478,845
evercrypt-sys 96,973,631
image2aa 96,550,201
openblas_ffi 94,585,909
cluna 93,485,631
xmp_toolkit 93,434,218
openblas-provider 92,275,987
fermium 90,568,891
vec-rac 90,454,742
wycheproof 90,148,154
sdl2-sys 89,810,114
rusty_v8 89,353,368
stm32h7 88,456,296
openblas-blas-provider 85,755,080
unicode_types 85,290,217
stm32h5 84,875,388
spirv-to-dxil-sys 84,286,341
yy-typings 81,735,370
matrix_display 80,308,931
esp-wifi-sys 80,281,241
reactive-mutiny 79,906,359
erg 79,039,217
gcloud-sdk 78,602,269
sdl3-sys 77,173,599
bcndecode 76,985,832
kube-custom-resources-rs 76,675,065
alpino-tokenizer-sys 76,299,196
multibody_dynamics 75,164,626
sample_planning 71,844,535
generic-ip 71,386,433
prefixset 71,191,744
fhirbolt-serde 71,164,777
avr-libc 69,678,964
at32f4xx-pac 68,713,014
stm32ral 68,298,277
ffmpeg4-sys 68,254,710
threed-ice-sys 67,331,006
relp-bin 66,405,064
wow_spells 66,388,232
httlib-hpack 65,147,820
occt-sys 64,783,171
tree-sitter-ocaml 64,624,128
shaderc-sys 64,090,492
libmagie 64,021,366
google-api-proto 63,642,254
lapack-sys 62,951,897
grib 61,124,990
monoio-http 60,965,035
stm32f7 60,606,550
mupdf-sys 60,425,595
drone-stm32-map-svd 59,330,782
stm32l4-stm32hal 59,186,328
librclone-sys 58,644,380
sport_monks 58,367,682
rasputin 57,557,273
icu_datetime_data 57,538,619
lpc546xx-pac 57,426,126
countries 56,072,551
ecmascript 55,734,992
fsr-sys 55,474,824
llama_cpp_sys 55,438,525
qt_3d_render 54,414,488
hello-world-jjr 54,413,408
spatialite-sys 54,375,362
efm32tg11b-pac 54,196,685
fasters 53,982,508
stm32l4 53,879,300
fefix 53,872,985
chisel-parsers 53,867,495
mountpoint-s3-crt-sys 53,212,500