Crates using the license_template_path formatting option set to LICENSE

Total: 6

name update at owner repo count CI fmt
openbrush 2023-09-15 09:28:20.34127 Green Baneling repo 1975 GitHub Action fmt
pallet-assets-chain-extension 2023-09-15 09:08:04.193277 Green Baneling repo 44 NA fmt
obce 2023-09-15 08:58:07.718996 Green Baneling repo 133 GitHub Action fmt
obce-macro 2023-09-15 08:55:54.818212 Green Baneling repo 133 GitHub Action fmt
openbrush_contracts_derive 2022-06-23 23:52:55.466773 Green Baneling repo 1269 GitHub Action fmt
futures-turnstyle 2018-10-09 03:13:56.746788 Toby Lawrence repo 10 NA fmt