
Via the concept of a backend we can abstract over the platform we will execute or optimize a network on. The construction of a backend is trivial. The backend is passed to the Solver, (one backend for network and one for the objectve). The Solver than executes all operations on the provided backend.

let backend = ::std::rc::Rc::new(Backend::<Cuda>::default().unwrap());

// set up solver
let mut solver_cfg = SolverConfig { minibatch_size: batch_size, base_lr: learning_rate, momentum: momentum, .. SolverConfig::default() }; = LayerConfig::new("network", net_cfg);
solver_cfg.objective = LayerConfig::new("classifier", classifier_cfg);
let mut solver = Solver::from_config(backend.clone(), backend.clone(), &solver_cfg);

The backend is a concept of Coaster, to which you can refer for now, until this chapter becomes more fleshed out.