
Solvers optimize the layer with a given objective. This might happen by updating the weights of the layer, which is the usual practice for Neural Networks but is not limited to this kind of learning.

A solver can have different learning (solving) policies. With Neural Networks, it is common to use a Stochastic Gradient Descent based approach like Adagrad, whereas for a classical regression the solving might be done via a maximum likelihood estimation.

Similar to Layers, we can construct a Solver (/src/solver/ from a SolverConfig (/src/solver/ When passing this SolverConfig (e.g. an Adagrad SolverConfig) to the Solver::from_config method, a Solver with the behavior of the config is returned.

The most characteristic feature of the SolverConfig is its network and objective fields. These two fields expect one LayerConfig each. When passing the SolverConfig to the Solver::from_config method, the LayerConfig of the network and objective fields are turned into an initialized Layer and provided to the returned, Solver.

// set up a Solver
let mut solver_cfg = SolverConfig { minibatch_size: batch_size, base_lr: learning_rate, momentum: momentum, .. SolverConfig::default() }; = LayerConfig::new("network", net_cfg);
solver_cfg.objective = LayerConfig::new("classifier", classifier_cfg);
let mut solver = Solver::from_config(backend.clone(), backend.clone(), &solver_cfg);

The now initialized Solver can be feed with data to optimize the network.