Create a new Layer

A layer in Juice can implement any behavior as long as it takes an input and produces an output. As Juice is new, there are still many valuable layers that are not yet implemented. This is why this chapter shows how you can add new layers to Juice.

A not exclusive list of steps to take in order to implement a new layer:

The Rust compiler is also very helpful with pointing out the necessary steps for implementing a new layer struct. It might be beneficial to start the implementation of a new layer from a copied file of an already existing layer.

  1. Decide to which of the five types the new layer belongs. This decides under which directory to put the layer implementation in the Juice project.

  2. Create the Layer worker struct.

  3. Expose the Layer worker struct in the of the layer type directory.

  4. Expose the Layer worker struct in the of the /layers directory.

  5. Implement ILayer and its trait boundaries for the new Layer worker struct.

  6. Add the new layer to the LayerType in and add the matching for .support_in_place and .worker_from_config.

  7. If the new layer relies on a coaster operation, also add the coaster trait boundary.

  8. Add documentation and serialization to the new layer.

  9. (optional) Depending on how complex the layer is, you might also add tests and more advanced implementations for its .from_config, .reshape or other helper methods.