Josh Matthews

nameJosh Matthews
GitHub user:jdm

VCS URL starting with http instead of https

See explanation.
name repo
servo-display-link repo


name update at owner repo count CI fmt
html5ever 2024-03-22 08:18:48.484333 cargo publish repo 1277 GitHub Action fmt
bevy_guessture 2024-02-23 01:46:31.746889 Josh Matthews repo NA NA fmt
guessture 2024-02-23 01:44:19.771376 Josh Matthews repo NA NA fmt
core-graphics-types 2023-11-30 22:08:24.071771 cargo publish repo 2119 GitHub Action fmt
cocoa-foundation 2023-09-22 14:37:46.182449 cargo publish repo 2119 GitHub Action fmt
sparkle 2023-09-17 14:33:57.318961 cargo publish repo 42 GitHub Action fmt
string_cache 2023-03-07 13:56:53.681774 Bobby Holley repo 574 GitHub Action fmt
servo-display-link 2022-12-11 18:30:45.126105 Josh Matthews repo NA NA fmt
tinyfiledialogs 2022-03-27 21:08:10.752411 Josh Matthews repo 70 GitHub Action fmt
accountable-refcell 2020-12-11 17:45:37.935294 Josh Matthews repo 9 GitHub Action fmt
yarn-spool 2018-06-11 01:23:31.011837 Josh Matthews repo 34 NA fmt
heapsize 2018-01-28 21:45:41.291608 cargo publish repo 167 NA fmt
content-blocker 2017-02-11 16:06:37.280659 Josh Matthews repo 17 NA fmt
ruby-mri 2015-12-11 23:55:55.315022 Josh Matthews repo 3 NA fmt